• BPLG–BMCS: GPU-sorting algorithm using a tuning skeleton library 

      Pérez Diéguez, Adrián; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2017)
      [Abstract] In this work, we present an efficient and portable sorting operator for GPUs. Specifically, we propose an algorithmic variant of the bitonic merge sort which reduces the number of processing stages and internal ...
    • El BPMN en el sector financiero. Estudio de un caso para una entidad financiera 

      Galán Fernández, Sergio (2022)
      [Resumen]:En este trabajo examinaremos la relevancia de la estándar de notación conocido como Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) en el sector financiero. Para lograr este objetivo estudiaremos en un inicio el ...
    • Brachial pulse pressure in acute heart failure. Results of the Heart Failure Registry 

      Bonapace, Stefano; Rossi, Andrea; Laroche, Cécile; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa; Piepoli, Massimo F.; Coats, Andrew J. S.; Dahlström, Ulf; Malek, Filip; Macarie, Cezar; Temporelli, Pier Luigi; Maggioni, Aldo P.; Tavazzi, Luigi (Willey Online Library, 2019-12-09)
      [Abstract] Aims To investigate the still uncertain independent prognostic impact of pulse pressure (PP) in acute heart failure (HF), in particular across the left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) phenotypes, and the ...
    • Bracketing Encodings for 2-Planar Dependency Parsing 

      Strzyz, Michalina; Vilares, David; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (International Committee on Computational Linguistics, 2020-12)
      [Absctract]: We present a bracketing-based encoding that can be used to represent any 2-planar dependency tree over a sentence of length n as a sequence of n labels, hence providing almost total coverage of crossing arcs ...
    • Brain Drain and Economic Growth: Evidence of Productivity Growth From Brain Circulation 

      Yu, Woosik (Universidade da Coruña, 2021-12-01)
      [Abstract] This paper analyzes the effect of the so-called ‘brain drain’ on economic growth through the channel of growth in total factor productivity. We analyze panel data that measure the severity of brain drain, which ...
    • Brain stimulation techniques for the study of fatige induced by repeated movements 

      Madrid López, Antonio (2019)
      [Abstract] Fatigue is a very limiting condition in many activities of the daily living and is present in different neurological pathologies. Although the underlying mechanisms are not well understood, it is considered ...
    • Brain-Computer Interfaces for Internet of Things 

      Laport López, Francisco; Vázquez Araújo, Francisco Javier; Castro-Castro, Paula-María; Dapena, Adriana (M D P I AG, 2018-09-17)
      [Abstract] A brain-computer interface for controlling elements commonly used at home is presented in this paper. It includes the electroencephalography device needed to acquire signals associated to the brain activity, the ...
    • Brais Pinto como autoaprendizaxe 

      Barreiro Rodríguez, Herminio (Universidade da Coruña, 2011)
      [Resumo] Texto de Herminio Barreiro sobre o grupo Brais Pinto, publicado en 2011.
    • Branding e influencers en la comunicación de moda: Gucci como caso de estudio 

      Sanz-Marcos, Paloma; Pérez-Curiel, Concha (Universidade da Coruña, 2019)
      [Resumen] La figura del influencer ha conseguido sustituir a los medios de masas tradicionales revolucionando las comunicaciones de tipo comercial. En este contexto, el público millennial advierte un escenario en las redes ...
    • Branding en la fidelización de clientes de Starbucks en la ciudad de Guadalajara 

      Aguilar Pérez, Pedro; Cruz Covarrubias, Lucila Patricia; Aguilar Cruz, Pedro Daniel; Garza Estrada, Rosalinda (Universidade da Coruña, 2019)
      [Resumen] El poder de una marca sobre los públicos, ha sido últimamente tema de estudio, dada la incidencia que esta ejerce sobre el comportamiento de compra y consumo de productos y servicios. De allí nace la aplicación ...
    • Brasil: 20 anos de redemocratização 

      Lins, Breno Gustavo Valadares (Universidade da Coruña, 2007)
      [Resumo] A Constituição Federal Brasileira de 1988 marca a redemocratização do país, após mais de 20 anos do autoritarismo da Ditadura Militar (1964-1988). O ideal do legislador constituinte foi a fundação de uma ...
    • Breast density classification to reduce false positives in CADe systems 

      Vállez, Noelia; Bueno, Gloria; Déniz, Oscar; Dorado, Julián; Seoane, José A.; Pazos, A.; Pastor, Carlos (Elsevier, 2013)
      [Abstract] This paper describes a novel weighted voting tree classification scheme for breast density classification. Breast parenchymal density is an important risk factor in breast cancer. Moreover, it is known that ...
    • Breastfeeding knowledge and relation to prevalence 

      Movilla Fernández, María Jesús; Suárez Cotelo, María del Carmen; Pita-García, Paula; Novío, Silvia; Fernández Arias, Betty (Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem, 2019-02)
      [Abstract] Objective: Determine the level of knowledge about maternal breastfeeding and analyze to what extent this influences the intention to breastfeed after the introduction of infant feeding at the 6th and 16th ...
    • La brecha de género en el dispositivo de deportación en España 

      Fernández-Bessa, Cristina (CIDOB, 2019-09)
      La vivencia y experiencia de cruzar una frontera es distinta según el género. En concreto, la selectividad de los controles migratorios implica que la deportación afecte a muchos más hombres que mujeres. A partir del ...
    • La brecha digital de género en España 

      Becerril Ruíz, Diego (Universidade da Coruña, 2005)
      [Abstract] The ICT represents an emergent social phonomenon where it is possible to verify behaviors and attitudes differed by gender. In fact, their use and Knowledge suppose a new dimension of inequality, constituting ...
    • La brecha digital en estudiantes españoles ante la crisis de la Covid-19 

      Rodicio-García, María-Luisa; Ríos-de-Deus, María-Paula; Mosquera-González, María-José; Penado Abilleira, María (2020)
      [Resumen] El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer cómo los estudiantes están viviendo la situación actual de docencia no presencial “impuesta” por la Covid-19. Los participantes son 593 estudiantes españoles, mayoritariamente ...
    • Brent and WTI oil prices volatility during major crises and Covid-19 

      Iglesias, Emma M.; Rivera-Alonso, David (Elsevier, 2022)
      [Abstract] We provide novel evidence of two different types of volatility-patterns of oil spot prices that are generated depending on which is the predominant trigger: a) spikes of volatility (which are highly erratic) ...
    • Breve antología narrativa de literatura española 

      Lanti, Dino (Universidade da Coruña, 2014)
      [Resumen] Versión actualizada de géneros clásicos de la literatura española: Jarcha; El cantar de Said; Romance; Coplas; Soneto; Rima; Romance