Browsing by Title
Now showing items 4928-4947 of 34756
‘(B)ut How Grow Flowers […] if One Kept Hens?’: The Transgressing Role of Bird Imagery in Virginia Woolf’s The Years
(Universidade da Coruña, 2008)[Abstract] In the atmosphere of growing oppression in the 1930s Britain, where the rapid raise of Fascism threatens to impose its hegemony over the whole of socio-political structures, the imminence of a new outburst of ... -
B. Periñán Gómez (coord.) Derecho, persona y ciudadanía. Una experiencia comparada
(Universidade da Coruña, 2011) -
B.E. Harcourt, The Illusion of Free Markets. Punisment and the Myth of Natural Order
(Universidade da Coruña, 2011) -
BABELPDB: Extracción de información en la base de datos PDB para la enseñanza
(Universidade da Coruña, 2000) -
Baby boom no paraíso, de Ana Istarú
(Rara Avis Teatro, 2003) -
Back to Goodwill Amortisation and the Financial Performance of Public and Private Firms in Spain
(Asociación Española de Profesores Universitarios de Contabilidad (ASEPUC); Universidad de Murcia, 2024)[Abstract] We take advantage of the change in goodwill regulation in Spain after 2016, to contribute with a comprehensive analysis of a scenario barely studied in the recent literature: the inverse transition from goodwill ... -
Back to Goodwill Amortisation: Impact of the 2016 Spanish Regulation on the Mispricing of Listed Firms
(Emerald, 2024)[Abstract] Purpose: This article analyses the recent inverse transition from goodwill impairment to goodwill amortisation implemented in Spain in 2016. The authors contribute to the existing literature by describing their ... -
Bacteria, guano and soot: source assessment of organic matter preserved in black laminae in stalagmites from caves of the Sierra de Atapuerca (N Spain)
(Union Internationale de Spéléologie, 2021-04-14)[Abstract] Speleothems are a recognized source of paleoclimatic information, but their value as a source of signals from human activities in caves with an archaeological record has rarely been explored. Previous studies ... -
Bacterial consortia utilizaing volatile organic compounds: mapping genomic determinants of essential biodegradation pathways
(Universidade da Coruña, 2005) -
Bacterias magnetotácticas : aplicaciones biotecnológicas y nanotecnológicas
(2021)[Abstract] Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) biomineralize magnetosomes, which are defined as intracellular nanocrystals of the magnetic minerals magnetite (Fe3O4) or greigite (Fe3S4) surrounded by a bilayer phospholipid ... -
Bagging cross-validated bandwidths with application to big data
(2021)Hall & Robinson (2009) proposed and analysed the use of bagged cross-validation to choose the band-width of a kernel density estimator. They established that bagging greatly reduces the noise inherent in ordinary ... -
Bailadela da morte ditosa
(Teatro do Estaribel, 1980) -
BailadELAS : mulleres bolañesas
(2013) -
El baile, de Edgar Neville
(2010-09-24)Fotos de la obra teatral dirigida por José Luis Caramés y representada por "Agrupación Teatral Fenosa" (A Coruña) en 1970 -
Baixo o signo de Cagney. Referentes cinematográficos na narrativa negra galega
(Universidade da Coruña, 1997)