Browsing by Title
Now showing items 27554-27573 of 34774
Q-Learning based system for Path Planning with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles swarms in obstacle environments
(Elsevier, 2023)[Abstract]: Path Planning methods for the autonomous control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) swarms are on the rise due to the numerous advantages they bring. There are increasingly more scenarios where autonomous control ... -
QardioArm Blood Pressure Monitoring in a Population With Type 2 Diabetes: Validation Study
(JMIR Publications, 2020-07)[Abstract] Background: Home blood pressure monitoring has many benefits, even more so, in populations prone to high blood pressure, such as persons with diabetes. Objective: The purpose of this research was to validate ... -
QardioArm Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor Against Omron M3 Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease : A Validation Study According to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol Revision 2010
(JMIR Publications, 2019-12)[Abstract] Background: Hypertension is considered as a main risk factor for chronic kidney disease development and progression. Thus, the control and evaluation of this disease with new software and devices are especially ... -
QKDNetSim+: Improvement of the quantum network simulator for NS-3
(Elsevier, 2024)[Abstract]: The first Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) networks are currently being deployed, but the implementation cost is still prohibitive for most researchers. As such, there is a need for realistic QKD network simulators. ... -
QoS constrained power minimization in the MISO broadcast channel with imperfect CSI
(Elsevier, 2017-02)[Abstract]: In this paper we consider the design of linear precoders and receivers in a Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) Broadcast Channel (BC). We aim to minimize the transmit power while meeting a set of per-user ... -
QoS constrained power minimization in the multiple stream MIMO broadcast channel
(Elsevier, 2018-02)[Abstract]: This work addresses the design of optimal linear transmit filters for the Multiple Input-Multiple Output (MIMO) Broadcast Channel (BC) when several spatial streams are allocated to each user. We further consider ... -
Quadro comum de referência: abandono da tradiçâo jurídica européia em nome da europeizacâo do Direito?
(Universidade da Coruña, 2008)[Abstract] This article is about the Draft Common Frame of Reference, whose objective is providing a common regulation for the European Private Law, especially for the Law of Obligations. However, choices were made for the ... -
Quai d'Orsay. Crónicas diplomáticas: política internacional de la viñeta a la gran pantalla
(Universidade da Coruña, 2014)[Resumen] Se ofrece un análisis comparativo entre la novela gráfica ambientada en la antesala de la guerra de Iraq Quai d'Orsay: crónicas diplomáticas (Tomo 1 y tomo 2) de Lanzac y Blain y su largometraje, dirigido por ... -
Qualidade e atitudes face à atençao à diversidade: proposta de melhoria
(2017)[Abstract] Attention to diversity implies changes in school organization, human resources, infrastructures and materials, as well as human behavior towards the attitudes adopted concerning diversity. Educational policies ... -
Quality of anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists
(Wiley, 2015-05-11)[Abstract] Background. Vitamin K antagonists (VKA) have a narrow therapeutic range, and literature analysis reveals poor quality of anticoagulation control. We sought to assess the prevalence of poor anticoagulant control ... -
Quality of care of patients with type-2 diabetes in Galicia (NW Spain) [OBTEDIGA project]
(Wiley, 2011-08-01)[Abstract] Aims: The aim of this study was to describe the degree of compliance of agreed practices with reference to primary care patients with Type 2 diabetes of 40 years old and older in Galicia (NW Spain). Methods: ... -
Quality of life and anxiety in women with breast cancer before and after treatment
(Scielo, 2017)[Abstract] Objectives: to determine the quality of life and anxiety in patients with breast cancer and the changes they experience after treatments. Method: prospective study. Breast cancer statistics (n=339, ... -
Quality of life and persistent symptoms after hospitalization for COVID-19. A prospective observational study comparing ICU with non-ICU patients
(Elsevier, 2022-07-04)[Abstract] Background: Hospitalized COVID-19 patients are prone to develop persistent symptoms and to show reduced quality of life following hospital admission. Methods: Prospective cohort study of COVID-19 patients ... -
Quality of Life and Sexual Satisfaction in Women with Breast Cancer Undergoing a Surgical Treatment and in Their Male Partners
(MDPI Open Access Journals, 2022-11-25)[Abstract] This study aimed to determine the quality of life and sexual satisfaction in a sample of 389 women with breast cancer who underwent a surgical treatment and 366 men who were these women’s partners. The sample ... -
Quality of Life Impact Related to Foot Health in a Sample of Older People with Hallux Valgus
(Aging and Disease, 2016-01)[Abstract] Hallux Valgus (HV) is a highly prevalent forefoot deformity in older people associated with progressive subluxation and osteoarthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint and it is believed to be ... -
Quality of life in cities: An outcome and a resource?
(European Academy of Management and Business Economics, 2025)[Abstract]: This study contributes to the improvement of the knowledge about quality of life (QoL) in cities, deepening not only in its antecedents, but also in its outcomes, under the theoretical approach of the ... -
Quality of life related to foot health status in women with fibromyalgia: a case-control study
(Termedia, 2019-05)[Abstract] Introduction: To date, the Foot Health Status Questionnaire (FHSQ) has not been applied to women who suffer from fibromyalgia. The main purpose of this study was to compare both foot and general health-related ... -
Quality of life, functional impairment and social factors as determinants of nutritional status in older adults: the VERISAÚDE study
(Elsevier, 2017-04)[Abstract] Background & aims. Malnutrition is an important and growing health problem in elderly people. The main aim of this research was to examine the relationship between socio-demographic factors, social resources, ... -
Quality of service optimization in the Broadcast Channel with Imperfect transmit channel state information
(2015)[Resumen]Este trabajo considera un sistema Broadcast Channel (BC) que consiste en un transmisor equipado con múltiples antenas y varios usuarios con una o más antenas. Dependiendo del número de antenas en el lado receptor, ... -
Quality of sleep data validation from the Xiaomi Mi Band 5 against polysomnography: comparison study
(JMIR Publications, 2023-05)[Abstract] Background: Polysomnography is the gold standard for measuring and detecting sleep patterns. In recent years, activity wristbands have become popular because they record continuous data in real time. Hence, ...