REV - SPORTIS - Vol. 10, Nº 03, 2024
Recent Submissions
Cuestionarios sobre violencia sexual en el deporte: una revisión sistemática
(2024-09-01)[Resumen] La cada vez mayor constatación de casos de violencia sexual en el deporte practicado por menores justifica la necesidad de contar con instrumentos válidos y fiables para identificar estos comportamientos violentos ... -
Decrease in muscle shortening and effect on strength and speed in adolescent soccer players (u-13)
(2024-09-01)[Abstract] In soccer, the variables of strength, speed and flexibility are associated with the athletic performance capacity of athletes, being these determinants not only to adapt to the demands of the competition, but ... -
Feeling good means doing good: body appreciation as a predictor of physical activity, fitness, and motivation
(2024-09-01)[Abstract] The study aimed to investigate the influence of body appreciation on physical activity motivation, physical activity level, and physical fitness among 423 randomly selected state university students. The Body ... -
Attitudes of sport parents towards children's eating habits
(2024-09-01)[Abstract] Today, parents have assumed important roles in shaping their children's eating habits in social and daily life. Especially the tendency of parents who do sports to transfer their healthy lifestyles to their ... -
Los contenidos de primeros auxilios en los currículos de Educación Primaria en España: Comparativa entre Comunidades Autónomas
(2024-09-01)[Resumen] El conocimiento y aplicación de técnicas de primeros auxilios y reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) son cruciales para salvar vidas ante una emergencia, destacando la importancia de que la población general esté ...