Browsing International Association for Semiotic Studies. World Congress (10th. 2009. La Coruña) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 212
Rabeno de Emilia Pardo Bazán: mito y reflexión didáctica sobre la violencia sexual
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Resumen] Dentro de la cuentística de Emilia Pardo Bazán se encuentran una serie de relatos cuya temática gira en torno al tema de la violencia ejercida contra las mujeres. En este corpus de relatos podemos situar el relato ... -
The hidden aspects of signification. Semiotics of practices and sensory science
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Abstract] Studying practices implies to cope with hidden aspects of signification. This is particularly true when an interaction does not take place at a verbal level. Considering food and wine tasting as a case study, ... -
De la (in)visibilidad del campo infográfico. A propósito de los escenarios de Sin City (Miller, Rodríguez t Tarantino, 2005)
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Resumen] Según Román Gubern, la imagen infográfica ha fundado una nueva antropología de lo visible, haciendo posible la creación de imaginarios imposibles a través de la máquina. Sin embargo, frente a esta posibilidad de ... -
Cielo dividido. Recuerda cómo pasó, antes de que llegue el olvido
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Resumen] En el cine de Julián Hernández el manejo del tiempo enunciativo es muy importante debido a que no sólo se crea significación con lo que ocurre en el presente, sino con el tiempo pasado, aquel que se relaciona con ... -
Film as museum. Semiotics anf the elastic film image
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Abstract] This presentation explores the relationship and mutual influences integration between the high art (especially paintings) in the popular art territory, in the film «Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain». This ... -
Question-Answer Structures in Cognition
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Abstract] Peirce’s semeiotic was all about cognitive studies of the mind. His anthropomorphism states that the study of the structures of the world must go through the study of the structures of the mind shaped by experience. ... -
Reading as a Trans-Semiosis: Don Quixote, a very special reader of the world
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Abstract] Reading is a cognitive process of constructing a textuality of a text on the basis of a world knowledge. Structural poetics makes an assumption that textuality resides in a text. Cognitive poetics has questioned ... -
Conspicuous clothes usage as a semiotic message
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Abstract] This paper attempts to investigate conspicuous clothes usage as a means of transmitting semiotic messages. The idea is further developed, dividing this usage into different sub-types, each sending a different ... -
Fashion and digital culture
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Abstract] How fashion has been working and annoucing the paradigmes of the digital culture? Among many elements, we may stress a few ones which determine digital culture such as: fluidity, hybrid body and its manipulation, ... -
Elements of the Semiotic Basis of Cultural Communication in Psychological Trends
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Abstract] According to the contemporary psychological knowledge, the semiotics of communication emerges in various, pluralistic interhuman relations and reflects the symbolic capabilities of the human beings. As for the ... -
The changing imagery of the big bad wolf
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Abstract] The current work is part of the author’s ecosemiotic analysis of Norwegian/Scandinavian wolf management in the period 1855-2010. In Norway, as in several other countries, wolf management is controversial. For ... -
Ideology behind ecological design
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Abstract] The aim of this article is to investigate the messages that are carried by ecological design. More precisely under review are ecological products and movements which advertise their usage. One of these movements ... -
Design as communication? If design is communication, who is the sender, who is the receiver and what is the message?
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Abstract] Design or, more precisely, the designed artifact has been addressed either as a problematic of down scaled architectural semiotics or as a branch of visual semiotics. However, a genuine tradition of design ... -
La topologie de la robe, déchirure-illusion: objet dépaysé
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Résumé] La présente étude vise à rechercher une hypothèse prototypique permettant d’inscrire le signe vestimentaire en tant que paradigme à l’intérieur du système des signes. Jacques Lacan nie l’existence du métalangage ... -
Signos extremos, super iconos, ultra signos, lo abstracto y el todo, en el arte contemporáneo
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Resumen] Según el filósofo y semiótico norteamericano Charles Sanders Pierce, en atención a la relación entre significantes y denotata, objetos o referentes, sólo resultan tres clases de signos: índices, iconos y símbolos. ... -
Les conventions dans le processus de médiation des signes
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Résumé] Le langage et l’outil sont les bases de l’évolution de la société humaine, car l’homme fut l’ unique animal capable d’abandonner la condition de nature, nature où l’intervention est directe et où le langage est ... -
The agathopia of Charles Sanders Peirce
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Abstract] The subject of this article is the specificity of Peirce’s Agathotopia and the relevance of his thought for the «actual global crisis». Charles Sanders Peirce preferred to be considered a pragmaticist (CP 5414) ... -
A final move in chess. Beyond the picture sign in visual Semiotics
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Abstract] It is something of a paradox that, within semiotics, the science of meaning, there has been fairly little discussion about the specificity of the picture sign, in particular in relation to other visually conveyed ... -
William S. Burroughs: pictographic coordinates
(Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Resumen] La apropiación y reorganización de contenidos audiovisuales preexistentes es un hecho cotidiano en las actuales tecnologías de la información. El objetivo de esta comunicación es trazar dichas estrategias en los ...