Browsing by Author "Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
A Dynamic Behavioral Model of the Credit Boom
Peón, David; Antelo, Manel; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo (Taylor & Francis, 2015)[Abstract] In this paper we provide a dynamic model of banking competition where bounded rationality of some competitors explains how the credit cycle is amplified. We model the economic cycle following Rötheli (2012b) ... -
A guide on empirical tests of the EMH
Peón, David; Antelo, Manel; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo (Emerald, 2019)[Abstract]: Purpose – The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) states that asset prices in financial markets always reflect all available information about economic fundamentals. The purpose of this paper is to provide a ... -
An evaluation of the energy and environmental policy efficiency of the EU member states in a 25-year period from a Modern Portfolio Theory perspective
Martínez-Fernández, Paulino; DeLlano-Paz, Fernando; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Soares, Isabel (Aalborg Universitetsforlag, 2020)[Abstract]: The European Union has been developing its energy and environmental policy for the last 30 years. Recent communications issued by the European Commission confirm the leadership of the European Union on reducing ... -
An inclusive taxonomy of behavioral biases
Peón, David; Antelo, Manel; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2017)[Abstract] This paper overviews the theoretical and empirical research on behavioral biases and their influence in the literature. To provide a systematic exposition, we present a unified framework that takes the reader ... -
Assessing Renewable Energy Sources for Electricity (RES-E) Potential Using a CAPM-Analogous Multi-Stage Model
Martínez Fernández, Paulino; DeLlano-Paz, Fernando; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Soares, Isabel (2019)[Abstract]: Carbon mitigation is a major aim of the power-generation regulation. Renewable energy sources for electricity are essential to design a future low-carbon mix. In this work, financial Modern Portfolio Theory ... -
¿Cómo avanzar hacia una nueva gobernanza en la transición ecológica?
Sanz Larruga, Javier; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo (Fundación Alternativas, 2021) -
Empty Coruña? Un dispositivo académico transdisciplinar sobre a problemática urbana. Como explicar os fallos de mercado e a intervención pública no sector da vivenda?
Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Longarela-Ares, Ángeles; DeLlano-Paz, Fernando; Bruna, Fernando (Universidade da Coruña, Cufie, 2019)[Resumo] O curso de verán Empty Coruña contou con diferentes tipos de actividades nas que se aplicaron diversas metodoloxías. Isto foi posible grazas á labor desenvolvida por un equipo de traballo formado por docentes ... -
Empty Coruña? Un dispositivo académico transdisciplinar sobre la problemática urbana: reflexiones desde los estudios de Economía y Administración de Empresas
Bruna, Fernando; DeLlano-Paz, Fernando; Longarela-Ares, Ángeles; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo (Universidade da Coruña, Cufie, 2019)[Resumen] El curso de verano Empty Coruña nace como resultado de la labor desarrollada por el equipo de trabajo con el mismo nombre formado por un grupo de docentes de distintas facultades de la Universidade da Coruña. ... -
Energy planning and modern portfolio theory: A review
DeLlano-Paz, Fernando; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Iglesias Antelo, Susana; Soares, Isabel (Elsevier, 2017)[Abstract]: Modern portfolio theory (MPT) stands as a widely accepted methodology to meet the challenges associated with the definition of energy planning for a particular territory or region. Energy planning is thus ... -
Investment preference for either technical or operational energy efciency measures to achieve sustainable maritime shipping
Longarela-Ares, Ángeles; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Pérez-López, José-Benito (Springer, 2023)[Abstract]: The reduction in energy consumption in shipping is a crucial issue to achieve a more sustainable sector. Nevertheless, investments in energy efciency are inhibited by barriers. Consequently, under a Principal-Agent ... -
O estudio do caso como metodoloxía activa no Mestrado en Eficiencia e Aproveitamento Enerxéticos
DeLlano-Paz, Fernando; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Iglesias Gómez, Guillermo; Martínez Fernández, Paulino; Bajo Buenestado, Raúl (Universidade da Coruña, Cufie, 2020)[Resumo] Dentro do Mestrado en Eficiencia e Aproveitamento Enerxético da UDC que se desenvolve en Ferrol, impártese a materia de “Política Enerxética e Análise de Investimentos”. A detección por parte do profesorado da ... -
O papel da lingua nas estratexias corporativas das empresas
Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo (Universidade da Coruña, 2006) -
O potencial do galego como elemento integrante da estratexia empresarial
Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo (Universidade da Coruña, 2008)[Resumo] Este artigo pretende vincular o uso da lingua á estratexia empresarial desde a súa mesma concepción. Actualmente, o galego é unha lingua de uso habitual na empresa, mais non é a “lingua visíbel” das relacións ... -
O potencial do galego como elemento integrante da estratexia empresarial
Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo (Universidade da Coruña, 2008)[Resumo]: Este artigo pretende vincular o uso da lingua á estratexia empresarial desde a súa mesma concepción. Actualmente, o galego é unha lingua de uso habitual na empresa, mais non é a “lingua visíbel” das relacións ... -
Pollutant versus non‑pollutant generation technologies: a CML‑analogous analysis
Martínez-Fernández, Paulino; DeLlano-Paz, Fernando; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Soares, Isabel (Springer, 2018)[Abstract]: In this work, we apply the Modern Portfolio Theory and the Capital Assets Pricing Model financial tools to a portfolio of CO2-emitting generation technologies under diverse scenarios. We will calculate the ... -
Power generation and pollutant emissions in the European Union: A mean-variance model
DeLlano-Paz, Fernando; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Iglesias Antelo, Susana; Soares, Isabel (Elsevier, 2018)[Abstract]: In this work, portfolio theory is applied to efficient electricity generation from both an economic and environmental point of view. The proposed model includes all the generation costs for different technologies, ... -
La sostenibilidad y resiliencia de las inversiones en materia de saneamiento de aguas residuales en Galicia
Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Rego Vilar, Simón (ASOCEX, 2022)[Resumen]: El Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 6 de la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas bajo la rúbrica de <<Agua limpia y saneamiento>> configura un mandato para los poderes públicos: garantizar la disponibilidad ... -
Spatial integration for firm and load-following wind generation
López Prol, Javier; DeLlano-Paz, Fernando; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Pfenninger, Stefan; Staffell, Iain (IOP, 2024)[Abstract]: Wind power has considerable potential to decarbonise electricity systems due to its low cost and wide availability. However, its variability is one factor limiting uptake. We propose a simple analytical framework ... -
The Influence of Economic Barriers and Drivers on Energy Efficiency Investments in Maritime Shipping, From the Perspective of the Principal-Agent Problem
Longarela-Ares, Ángeles; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Pérez-López, José-Benito (MDPI, 2020)[Abstract] Maritime transport stands out as a strategic sector; the increasing trend in maritime traffic makes it essential to reduce energy consumption and emissions through investment in energy efficiency. However, ... -
Wind-solar technological, spatial and temporal complementarities in Europe: A portfolio approach
López Prol, Javier; DeLlano-Paz, Fernando; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Pfenninger, Stefan; Staffell, Iain (Elsevier, 2024)[Abstract]: Climate change and geopolitical risks call for the rapid transformation of electricity systems worldwide, with Europe at the forefront. Wind and solar are the lowest cost, lowest risk, and cleanest energy ...