• Self-management Web Application for Persons with Schizophrenia 

      Domingues, José; Gomes, Paulo Veloso; Almeida, Raquel Simoes de; Fonseca, Nuno; Martins, Constantino; Santos, Joaquim; Marques, António; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] This paper describes a web-based application with the purpose of improving the selfmanagement of people with schizophrenia. The main objective with the creation of a web application for mental health management ...
    • Simulation of a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Swarm Control System 

      Ngoua-Ndong Avele, Jacques. B.; Angoue Avele, Marc Bernice (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] A promising direction for the use of UAVs is their association into groups or herds, like the insects observe the principle of swarm organization in the nature. In the case of UAVs, after combining into a ...
    • Simulation of Virus Propagation and Acceptance of Socio-Sanitary Measures Through an Intelligent Model 

      García-Paz, Daniel J.; Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo; Guijarro-Berdiñas, Bertha; Rodríguez-Arias, Alejandro (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] During the most critical moments of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, various containment measures were enacted to hinder the virus’s spread and mitigate its impact. This work focuses on studying the impact of the ...
    • Solution for Capturing Data from Wearable Devices 

      Pardo Otero, Eva; Fernández-Garrido, Iago; Fernández-Noriega-Balseiro, Santiago; Martínez Pérez, María; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Thanks to the rise of wearable devices, people have more direct access to a variety of health data, such as physical activity, sleep and heart rate. For the research field, these devices represent a powerful ...
    • The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Interactive Virtual Reality Adaptive Environments with Real-Time Biofeedback Applied to Phobias Psychotherapy 

      Gomes, Paulo Veloso; Sá, Vítor J.; Donga, João; Marques, António; Gomes, Bárbara; Almeida, Raquel Simoes de; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Exposure therapy is a type of psychotherapy where the patient is gradually exposed to a fear situation. Patients may present different degrees of phobia, and the degree of phobia of each patient changes ...
    • Towards a FAIR Dataset for Spanish Non-Functional Requirements 

      Limaylla-Lunarejo, María-Isabel; Condori Fernández, Nelly; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Supervised Machine Learning algorithms (ML) have enhanced the performance of the automatic non-functional requirements (NFR) classification in the Requirements Engineering domain. However, the lack of public ...
    • Ultra Wideband for Shipyard 5.0 Indoor Gantry Crane High-Precision Positioning 

      Niebla Montero, Ángel; Fraga-Lamas, Paula; Varela-Barbeito, José; Fernández-Caramés, Tiago M. (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] The shipyard of the future, called Shipyard 5.0, is a highly technological environment where real-time monitoring of products, by-products and transport vehicles is crucial. Among the technologies able to locate ...
    • Understanding Machine Learning Explainability Models in the context of Pancreatic Cancer Treatment 

      Bobes-Bascarán, José; Fernández-Leal, Ángel; Mosqueira-Rey, E.; Alonso Ríos, David; Hernández-Pereira, Elena; Moret-Bonillo, Vicente (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] The increasing adoption of artificial intelligent systems at sensitive domains where humans are particularly, such as medicine, has provided the context to deeply explore ways of making machine learning models ...
    • Understanding the Influence of Rendering Parameters in Synthetic Datasets for Neural Semantic Segmentation Tasks 

      Silva, Manuel; Mures, Omar A.; Seoane, Antonio; Iglesias-Guitian, Jose A. (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Deep neural networks are well known for demanding large amounts of training data, motivating the appearance of multiple synthetic datasets covering multiple domains. However, synthetic datasets have not yet ...
    • Unveiling the Dark Side of Social Media: Developing the First Galician Corpus for Misogyny Detection on Twitter and Mastodon 

      Álvarez Crespo, Lucía María; Castro, Laura M. (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] This work aims to develop the first Galician corpus for the detection of misogyny on Twitter and Mastodon. We collect and analyze linguistic data in Galician on these social media platforms, identifying ...
    • Use of Deep Learning Techniques for Motor Events Detection in Polysomnographic Records 

      Lloves García, Inés; Álvarez-Estévez, Diego (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Sleep medicine deals with the diagnosis and treatment of sleep-related disorders. The diagnosis is carried out through the manual analysis and labeling of polysomnographic studies, which record various ...
    • Use of Machine Learning Algorithms for Network Traffic Classification 

      Nieto Antelo, Adrián; Fernández, Diego; Nóvoa, Francisco (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] In recent years, the complexity of threats utilizing the network as an attack vector has significantly increased. Traditional attack prevention and detection systems (IPS/IDS) based on signatures do not provide ...
    • Valuation and Risk Modeling of Renewable PPAs 

      Pombo, Julio; Rúas-Barrosa, Oliver; Vázquez, Carlos (2023)
      [Abstract] Renewable energy (RE) projects aim to sell electricity to the consumers, which may be carried out by means of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). These PPAs will yield payments over a long period of time so as ...
    • Virtual Reality for Cognitive Stimulation in the Elderly and Individuals with Disability 

      Fernández-Garrido, Iago; Gómez García, Ángel (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] The recent advances in virtual reality enable the creation of highly realistic and immersive environments. The purpose of this project is to develop a virtual reality tool for cognitive stimulation in the ...