• Highway Remodeling: Harnessing Georeferenced Data for Procedural Modeling 

      Noriega, M. A.; Ribelles, José; Seoane, Antonio; Martínez, Margarita; Taibo, Javier; Iglesias-Guitián, José A. (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] : This paper introduces a novel procedural modeling system for generating 3D highway models, leveraging real-world data inputs such as highway layouts and manual annotations of essential elements. Our highly ...
    • Improving Authentication in the Amazon Alexa Virtual Assistant by Using a Geofence 

      Fernández-García, Jorge; Rivera-Dourado, Martiño; Pérez-Jove, Rubén; Munteanu, Cristian-Robert; Vázquez-Naya, José (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Amazon Alexa processes voice commands as input to help users perform tasks. For protecting this commands, Amazon Alexa implements some security measures. These security measures, such as voice recognition and ...
    • Indexing and Retrieval of Scores by Humming based on Extracted Features 

      Romero-Velo, Hilda; Ladra, Susana; Paramá, José R.; Silva-Coira, Fernando (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] In order to be able to conduct searches over large collections of music scores with queries provided in audio format, this article considers recent literature in the field and proposes an implementation to ...
    • Integration of Captive Movement Systems in Virtual Environments for Rehabilitation in People with Disabilities 

      Lagos Rodríguez, Manuel; Canosa, Nereida; Pousada, Thais (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Generally, virtual reality (VR) systems used to improve physical and cognitive skills in people with disabilities generate a limited play area, allowing only a few meters of movement. This work proposes the ...
    • Interactive Virtual Reality Public Speaking Training Simulator to Empower Confident Communicators 

      Donga, João; Gomes Gomes, Paulo Veloso; Marques, António; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Public speaking is a valuable skill that plays a crucial role in personal, academic and professional success. Many individuals struggle with anxiety and lack confidence when facing an audience. To address this ...
    • Introducing a Human Activity Recognition Dataset Gathered on Real-Life Conditions 

      García-González, Daniel; Fernández-Blanco, Enrique; Rivero, Daniel; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Human activity recognition (HAR) has garnered significant scientific interest in recent years. The widespread use of smartphones enabled convenient and cost-effective data collection, eliminating the need for ...
    • m-Health System for the Self-management of Patients with Heart Failure 

      Silva, Patrícia; Gomes, Paulo Veloso; Condeço, Jorge; Marques, António; Curado, Henrique; Veloso, Rita; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Increasingly, the use of technology is emerging as a tool to support health care. The newinformation and telecommunications technologies have triggered a newparadigm in health: in access, availability and ...
    • Mapping the Poverty Proportion in Small Areas under Random Regression Coefficient Poisson Models 

      Diz-Rosales, Naomi; Lombardía, María José; Morales, Domingo (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] In a complex socio-economic context, policy makers need highly disaggregated poverty indicators. In this work, we develop a methodology in small area estimation to derive predictors of poverty proportions under ...
    • Method for Pricing Renewable Energy Certificates 

      Baamonde-Seoane, María A; Calvo-Garrido, María-del-Carmen; Vázquez, Carlos (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] In this work we present one valuation method for Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). Starting from a system of FBSDEs and using Ito lemma, we propose a mathematical model based on a semilinear PDE with two ...
    • Music Recommendation System Based on Ratings Obtained from Amazon 

      Marcos Vázquez, Sergio; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Carballal, Adrián; Cedrón, Francisco (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] In the current context of an era in which a significant portion of people are constantly living online, with various multimedia streaming platforms serving as major sources of entertainment, and with e-commerce ...
    • Performance of Xiaomi Mi Band 5 Against Polysomnography in Measuring Sleep 

      Concheiro-Moscoso, Patricia; Groba, Betania; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Alvarez-Estevez, Diego (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] This study sought to compare the effectiveness of one of the top-selling activity wristbands, the Xiaomi Mi Band 5, with polysomnography in the measurement of sleep stages. Conducted at a hospital in A Coruña, ...
    • Predicting Inflow Flow in Hydraulic Dams Using Artificial Neural Networks 

      Fernández Sáchez, Alberto; Rabuñal, Juan R.; Cebrián Rivero, Daniel; Pazos, A.; Gestal, M.; Cea, Luis (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Accurate prediction of inflow in dams plays a crucial role in water resource management Kim et al. (2019); Vargas-Garay et al. (2018); Zhong et al. (2018) and risk mitigation Costabile et al. (2020); Rabuñal et ...
    • Prototype of an Entity Recognition System for Antimicrobial Resistance Data Management 

      Prado-Valiño, Francisco; Santos-Ríos, Roi; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Vilares, Jesús (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Often, a study or research process requires the analysis of large volumes of information in the form of unstructured text. This task consumes a large amount of time and resources of the human experts in charge ...
    • Rationale and Design of a Scope 3 Capital Charge 

      Trevisani, Davide; López, José Germán; Kenyon, Chris; Vázquez, Carlos; Berrahoui, Mourad (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Climate change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, and governments have introduced over seventy carbon pricing instruments (CPIs). Banks finance a significant fraction of global emissions, and many have ...
    • Re-Identification of Rats with Transfer Learning 

      Molares-Ulloa, Andrés; Ortega-Femia, Maria del Rocio; Dorado, Julián; Pedreira Souto, Nieves; Rodriguez, Alvaro (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] The study of animal behavior in laboratory experiments is key in ethology, ecotoxicology, neuroscience and other fields. Although modern studies use computer imaging techniques, current solutions cannot preserve ...
    • Reimagining Art: Virart, a Platform Using Virtual Reality for Creative Expression and Cultural Engagement 

      Donga, João; Azevedo, João; Carrapa, Marta; Gomes, Paulo Veloso (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] Virart is an immersive experience that showcase the potential of Virtual Reality in recreating artistic works. By leveraging the capabilities of VR, users can explore and interact with digital recreations of ...
    • Reinforcement and Homework Control for Children with ASD using a Mobile Application for Apple Watch 

      Vila-Muñoz, Noé; Castro-Castro, Paula-María; Dapena, Adriana (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] The article shows the design and development of a pair of mobile applications for Apple Watch and iPhone devices to reinforce and control tasks for children with autism disorders. This work takes advantage of ...
    • Self-adaptive Cooperation Scheme in a Parallel ACO Algorithm for Binary Combinatorial Problems 

      Prado-Rodríguez, Roberto; González, Patricia; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] The ant colony optimization (ACO) is widely used for combinatorial optimization problems, although it can suffer from fast convergence to local minima. In order to provide a versatile implementation of ACO, ...
    • Self-management Web Application for Persons with Schizophrenia 

      Domingues, José; Gomes, Paulo Veloso; Almeida, Raquel Simoes de; Fonseca, Nuno; Martins, Constantino; Santos, Joaquim; Marques, António; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] This paper describes a web-based application with the purpose of improving the selfmanagement of people with schizophrenia. The main objective with the creation of a web application for mental health management ...
    • Simulation of a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Swarm Control System 

      Ngoua-Ndong Avele, Jacques. B.; Angoue Avele, Marc Bernice (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] A promising direction for the use of UAVs is their association into groups or herds, like the insects observe the principle of swarm organization in the nature. In the case of UAVs, after combining into a ...