• La brecha digital en estudiantes españoles ante la crisis de la Covid-19 

      Rodicio-García, María-Luisa; Ríos-de-Deus, María-Paula; Mosquera-González, María-José; Penado Abilleira, María (2020)
      [Resumen] El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer cómo los estudiantes están viviendo la situación actual de docencia no presencial “impuesta” por la Covid-19. Los participantes son 593 estudiantes españoles, mayoritariamente ...
    • Construction and Validation of the Intimate Images Diffusion Scale Among Adolescents 

      Penado Abilleira, María; Rodicio-García, María-Luisa; Marcos Cuesta, María; Corrás, Tania (2019)
      [Abstract] The digital age has produced changes in the way of relating between adolescents, causing the appearance of problems such as cyberbullying, addiction to social networks or the diffusion of images of personal and ...
    • Development and Validation of an Adolescent Gender-Based Violence Scale (ESVIGA) 

      Penado Abilleira, María; Rodicio-García, María-Luisa (Colegio oficial de psicología de Madrid, 2018)
      [Abstract] The aim of this paper is the construction of a new scale to estimate adolescent gender-based violence. The scale is specifically designed for this population and incorporates new forms of violence, such as ...
    • Evolution in the Sports Habits of Sport Sciences Students in Spain 

      Rodicio-García, María-Luisa; Mosquera-González, María-José; Penado Abilleira, María; Mateos-Padorno, Covadonga (2020)
      [Resumen] El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la evolución de los hábitos deportivos de estudiantes españoles de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, exploratorio y ...
    • Inserción sociolaboral de mujeres emigrantes retornadas: Desde Venezuela a España 

      Rodicio-García, María-Luisa (Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
      [Abstract] To speak of the migratory fact is something that the Spaniards are accustomed to, because for almost one hundred years Spain was characterized by the foreign emigration, being Latin America a privileged ...
    • Instrumento para identificar la percepción de los estudiantes universitarios sobre emociones que los perturban 

      Iglesias Cortizas, María José; Ríos de Deus, María Paula; Rodicio-García, María-Luisa (Universidade da Coruña, 2018)
      [Resumen] El ser humano experimenta emociones desde su nacimiento hasta la muerte que determinan la autopercepción del mundo que le rodea permitiendo establecer relaciones personales y sociales. El mundo globalizado actual ...
    • Personality characteristics of a sample of violent adolescents against their partners 

      Penado Abilleira, María; Rodicio-García, María-Luisa; Corrás Vázquez, Tania; Ríos de Deus, María Paula; Iglesias Cortizas, María José (Springer, 2019)
      [Abstract] Background: The study of intimate partner violence has historically focused on violence perpetrated on females by males, but recent research suggests that, at least in teenage couples, the difference between ...
    • Relationship between Sports Practice, Physical and Mental Health and Anxiety–Depressive Symptomatology in the Spanish Prison Population 

      Penado Abilleira, María; Ríos-de-Deus, María-Paula; Tomé-Lourido, David; Rodicio-García, María-Luisa; Mosquera-González, María-José; López-López, Daniel; Gómez Salgado, Juan (MDPI, 2023-03-07)
      [Abstract] The objective of this study was to evaluate, in a group of Galician inmates, if there were variations in the levels of physical and mental health and anxiety–depressive symptomatology, depending on the sports’ ...
    • Student Perceptions of the Resilience in a Confinement Due to COVID-19 in University of A Coruña: A Qualitative Research 

      Ríos-de-Deus, María-Paula; Rodicio-García, María-Luisa; Rego-Agraso, Laura; Mosquera-González, María-José; Marta Elena, Losa-Iglesias; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; López-López, Daniel (MDPI, 2022)
      [Abstract] The home confinement caused by COVID-19 has caused university students to express feelings, negative experiences, and concerns about the confinement situation they were experiencing. This prompted the development ...
    • Technostress in Spanish University Students: Validation of a Measurement Scale 

      Penado Abilleira, María; Rodicio-García, María-Luisa; Ríos-de-Deus, María-Paula; Mosquera-González, María-José (2020)
      [Abstract] The increasingly widespread use of technology has led to the emergence of phenomena harmful to users such as technostress. Although technostress has already been studied in other contexts, it is still pending ...
    • Technostress in Spanish University Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic 

      Penado Abilleira, María; Rodicio-García, María-Luisa; Ríos-de-Deus, María-Paula; Mosquera-González, María-José (2021)
      [Abstract] One of the measures adopted by the government of Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic has been the elimination of face-to-face classes in all universities, requiring that all teachers had to conduct their classes ...