Browsing UI- UNIDEF - Artigos by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 35
Análisis de las preferencias metodológicas del profesorado gallego de Educación Física en función del género y los años de experiencia docente
(2021)[Resumen] La Educación Física presenta cierta diversidad de enfoques metodológicos por parte del profesorado que la imparte, dado su carácter eminentemente práctico. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la posible ... -
Association between Level of Empathy, Attitude towards Physical Education and Victimization in Adolescents: A Multi-Group Structural Equation Analysis
(MDPI, 2019)[Abstract] Currently, there is a problem related to violence and tolerance towards violence, and the levels of empathy of the subjects can affect this, in addition to the practice of physical activity. The present study ... -
Association between Tobacco Consumption and Problematic Internet Use and the Practice of Physical Activity in Spanish Adolescents
(2021)[Abstract] The practice of physical activity (PA) is a healthy habit that offers health benefits. In contrast, the lack thereof may be associated with an increase in diseases, even at an early age. The objective of this ... -
Can Gamification Influence the Academic Performance of Students?
(MDPI, 2022)[Abstract] Gamification along with a whole range of other active methodologies are being incorporated into university classrooms due to their potential benefits for student learning. The aim of this paper was to analyse ... -
Can the Doman method improve motor competence in children of 4 years of age? A quasi-experimental study of two Physical Education programmes in preschool education
(Universidad de Alicante, 2023)[Abstract] Early childhood is a key stage for promoting Physical Education as a means for improving motor competence in children. With this in mind, is there a particular psychomotor stimulation method that can improve ... -
Changes in Physical Fitness, Dietary Habits and Family Habits for Spanish Children during SARS-CoV-2 Lockdown
(2021)[Abstract] Background: habits related to diet and physical activity in children were modified due to the lockdown that Spain had between March and June 2019 because of the health crisis caused by the appearance of ... -
¿Cómo debe ser el trabajo de educación física en educación infantil?
(Federación Española de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF), 2020)[Resumen] La Educación Física en Educación Infantil concentra un gran protagonismo en el desarrollo óptimo de cada una de las esferas del niño: física, social, afectivo-emocional y psíquica. Dotar de una gran información ... -
Differences on Motor Competence in 4-Year-Old Boys and Girls Regarding the Quarter of Birth: Is There a Relative Age Effect?
(2021)[Abstract] The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences on motor competence between boys and girls aged 4 years old and investigate the existence of Relative Age Effect on their motor competence. In total, 132 ... -
Disruptive Behaviors in Physical Education: A Matched Study of Social Skills and Sport Practice in a Region of Spain
(MDPI, 2022)[Abstract] Disruptive behaviors in physical education cause conflicts among students and, consequently, an abnormal development of classes. Therefore, finding the variables that can solve them is an urgent aspect to achieve ... -
Equipamiento y uso de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en los hogares españoles durante el periodo de confinamiento. Asociación con los hábitos sociales, estilo de vida y actividad física de los niños menores de 12 años
(2020)[Resumen] Introducción: Las TIC están presentes en muchos hogares estableciendo cambios en la comunicación social y estilo de vida. En el año 2020 se ha declarado en España el estado de alarma con un importante periodo de ... -
Evolution of the Habits of Physical Activity and Television Viewing in Spanish Children and Pre-Adolescents between 1997 and 2017
(2020)[Abstract] Background: Promoting healthy lifestyles in children, has become a priority for public health institutions. However, electronic devices with screens encourage sedentary behaviors. The aim of this study was to ... -
Futsal in Children and Adolescents - A Systematic Review 2015-2020
(2021)[Abstract] Futsal is a sport that is practiced almost everywhere in the world and that has been gaining in number of followers throughout the years. The objective of this work has been to carry out a review of the scientific ... -
Fútbol sala y alto rendimiento: revisión sistemática de la literatura 2015-2020
(Universidad Catolica San Antonio Murcia, 2021)[Resumen] El fútbol sala es un deporte con un importante número de practicantes. Su reducido campo de juego y la rapidez en las acciones de los jugadores anima a investigar sobre sus parámetros configuradores para conocer ... -
Gamification in Physical Education: A Systematic Review
(MDPI, 2022)[Abstract] Background: In the last 10 years, gamification has entered the educational field incrementally. The subject of Physical Education has been one of the scenarios where multiple gamified learning environments were ... -
Gender Differences on Motor Competence in 5-Year-Old Preschool Children Regarding Relative Age
(2021)[Abstract] The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences on motor competence between 5-year-old boys and girls and to investigate the existence of Relative Age Effect (RAE) on their motor competence. A total of 232 ... -
Impact of a Series of Educational Talks Taught by Health Professionals to Promote Healthy Snack Choices among Children
(2021)[Abstract] Background: One of the great challenges facing today’s society is the need to combat overweight and obesity in schoolchildren. This study aimed to analyze the impact of a cycle of didactic talks—given to families ... -
Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Lockdown on Anthropometric Parameters in Children 11/12 Years Old
(2021)[Abstract] Background: During the great lockdown in Spain due to SARS-CoV-2, in between the months of March and June 2020, dietary and physical activity habits were modified in children. The aim of the study was to ... -
Implications for balance in 11- and 12-year-old children in northern Spain during SARS-CoV-2 lockdown
(Frontiers Media SA, 2022-09-21)[Abstract] Introduction: The home lockdown due to the appearance of SARS-CoV-2 in Spanish society led to changes in certain habits in children and adolescents. These habits were related to the practice of physical activity ... -
Influence of the Characteristics of the House and Place of Residence in the Daily Educational Activities of Children During the Period of COVID-19' Confinement
(2021)[Abstract] The period of confinement motivated by the COVID-19 pandemic and established by the governments of different countries has influenced the lifestyle of millions of children, not being able to continue carrying ... -
Is It Possible to Reduce the Relative Age Effect through an Intervention on Motor Competence in Preschool Children?
(2021)[Abstract] The purpose of the study was to find out whether a short 6-week intervention on motor competence can reduce the Relative Age Effect (RAE) of preschool children born in the first quarter, compared to those born ...