Head movement assessment of cerebral palsy users with severe motor disorders when they control a computer thought eye movements

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Head movement assessment of cerebral palsy users with severe motor disorders when they control a computer thought eye movementsData
2017Cita bibliográfica
Clemotte, A., Velasco, M. A., Rocon, E. Head movement assessment of cerebral palsy users with severe motor disorders when they control a computer thought eye movements. En Actas de las XXXVIII Jornadas de Automática, Gijón, 6-8 de Septiembre de 2017 (pp.264-269). DOI capítulo: https://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.9788497497749.0264 DOI libro: https://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.9788497497749
[Abstract] Eye tracking is currently a promising technology to access computers for people who suffer severe motor disorders, like cerebral palsy. However, there is a lack of usability assessment procedures and concrete value to describe the user’s motor capabilities in this specific scenario of computer control. This paper presents a methodology, based on two head movement assessment metrics and the ISO-9241, for the quantitative motor description of users with severe motor disorders, when they control the computer thought their eyes. Seven participants with CP and three people without motor disabilities were recruited for the evaluation of the proposed procedure. Results evidence for the first time how users with CP control their head while they access a computer with their eyes.
Palabras chave
Motor impairments
Cerebral palsy
Pointing task
Inertial sensors
Eye tracking
Motor impairments
Cerebral palsy
Pointing task
Inertial sensors
Eye tracking
Versión do editor
Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 España
978-84-16664-74-0 (UOV) 978-84-9749-774-9 (UDC electrónico)