Mostrando ítems 26-30 de 184

    • The phenotype of axial spondyloarthritis: is it dependent on HLA–B27 status? 

      Coates, Laura C.; Baraliakos, Xenofon; Blanco García, Francisco J; Alonso Blanco-Morales, Elena; Braun, Jurgen; Chadran, Vinod; Fernández-Sueiro, José Luis; FitzGerald, Oliver; Gallagher, Phil; Gladman, Dafna D.; Gubar, Elena; Korotaeva, Tatiana; Loginova, Elena; Lubrano, Ennio; Mulero, Juan; Pinto-Tasende, José A.; Queiro, Rubén; Sanz Sanz, Jesús; Szentpetery, Agnes; Helliwell, Philip S. (Wiley, 2020-02-26)
      [Abstract] Objective: To describe the radiographic phenotype of axial spondyloarthritis (SpA) according to the presence of HLA-B27. Methods: An international collaboration compared the radiographic phenotype of axial ...
    • The association of the lipid profile with knee and hand osteoarthritis severity: the IMI-APPROACH cohort 

      Loef, Marieke; van de Stadt, L.; Böhringer, S.; Bay-Jensen, Anne-C.; Mobasheri, Ali; Larkin, Jonathan; Lafeber, Floris P.J.G.; Blanco García, Francisco J; Haugen, Ida K.; Berenbaum, Francis; Giera, M.; Ioan-Facsinay, Andreea; Kloppenburg, Margreet (Elsevier, 2022-05-27)
      [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the association of the lipidomic profile with osteoarthritis (OA) severity, considering the outcomes radiographic knee and hand OA, pain and function. Design: We used baseline data ...
    • Osteoarthritis endotype discovery via clustering of biochemical marker data 

      Angelini, Federico; Widera, Pawel; Mobasheri, Ali; Blair, Joseph; Struglics, André; Uebelhoer, Melanie; Hentorin, Yves; Marijnissen, Anne CA; Kloppenburg, Margreet; Blanco García, Francisco J; Haugen, Ida K.; Berenbaum, Francis; Ladel, Christoph; Larkin, Jonathan; Bay-Jensen, Anne C.; Bacardit, Jaume (BMJ, 2022-04-08)
      [Abstract] Objectives: Osteoarthritis (OA) patient stratification is an important challenge to design tailored treatments and drive drug development. Biochemical markers reflecting joint tissue turnover were measured in ...
    • Single nucleotide polymorphism genes and mitochondrial DNA haplogroups as biomarkers for early prediction of knee osteoarthritis structural progressors: use of supervised machine learning classifiers 

      Bonakdari, Hossein; Petellier, Jean-Pierre; Blanco García, Francisco J; Rego-Pérez, Ignacio; Durán-Sotuela, Alejandro; Aitken, Dawn; Jones, Graeme; Cicuttini, Flavia; Jamshidi, Afshin; Abram, François; Martel-Pelletier, Johanne (BioMed Central, 2022-09-12)
      [Abstract] Background. Knee osteoarthritis is the most prevalent chronic musculoskeletal debilitating disease. Current treatments are only symptomatic, and to improve this, we need a robust prediction model to stratify ...
    • mtDNA variability determines spontaneous joint aging damage in a conplastic mouse model 

      Scotece, Morena; Vaamonde-García, Carlos; Lechuga-Vieco, Ana Victoria; Centeno Cortés, Alberto; Jiménez Gómez, María Concepción; Filgueira-Fernández, Purificación; Rego-Pérez, Ignacio; Enríquez, José Antonio; Blanco García, Francisco J (Impact Journals, 2022-07-02)
      [Abstract] Mitochondria and mtDNA variations contribute to specific aspects of the aging process. Here, we aimed to investigate the influence of mtDNA variation on joint damage in a model of aging using conplastic mice. A ...