• 3DGraCT: A Grammar-Based Compressed Representation of 3D Trajectories 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Gómez-Brandón, Adrián; Martínez-Prieto, Miguel A.; Paramá, José R. (Springer, 2018)
      [Abstract]: Much research has been published about trajectory management on the ground or at the sea, but compression or indexing of flight trajectories have usually been less explored. However, air traffic management is ...
    • A New Method to Index and Store Spatio-Temporal Data 

      Bernardo, Guillermo de; Casares, Ramón; Gómez-Brandón, Adrián; Paramá, José R. (2016-11-16)
      [Abstract] We propose a data structure that stores, in a compressed way, object trajectories, which at the same time, allow to efficiently response queries without the need to decompress the data. We use a data structure, ...
    • An Efficient Representation of Enriched Temporal Trajectories 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Fariña, Antonio; Otero-González, Diego; Varela Rodeiro, Tirso (SciTePress, 2021)
      [Abstract] We present a novel representation of enriched trajectories of a mobile workforce management system. In this system, employees are tracked during their working day and both their routes and the tasks performed ...
    • Aprendizaje experiencial e introducción de estresores en el diseño de una práctica centrada en procesos de gestión 

      Catalá, Alejandro; Condori Fernández, Nelly; Taboada, José A.; Cotos, José M.; Flores, Julián (Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2020)
      [Resumen]: La formación de los futuros ingenieros de software re- quiere de un equilibrio entre el desarrollo de habilidades técnicas y blandas (i.e, soft-skills) Este trabajo explora el diseño de una sesión práctica que, ...
    • Augmented Thresholds for MONI 

      Martínez-Guardiola, César; Brown, Nathaniel K.; Silva-Coira, Fernando; Köppl, Dominik; Gagie, Travis; Ladra, Susana (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023)
      [Abstract]: MONI (Rossi et al., 2022) can store a pangenomic dataset T in small space and later, given a pattern P, quickly find the maximal exact matches (MEMs) of P with respect to T. In this paper we consider its one-pass ...
    • Compact Trip Representation over Networks 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Fariña, Antonio; Galaktionov, Daniil; Rodríguez, M. Andrea (Springer, 2016-09-21)
      [Abstract] We present a new Compact Trip Representation ( CTRCTR ) that allows us to manage users’ trips (moving objects) over networks. These could be public transportation networks (buses, subway, trains, and so on) where ...
    • Design of Mutation Operators for Testing Geographic Information Systems 

      Alvarado, Suilen H. (M D P I AG, 2019-08-06)
      [Abstract] In this article, we propose the definition of specific mutation operators for testing Geographic Information Systems. We describe the process for applying the operators and generating mutants, and present a case ...
    • Efficient and Compact Representations of Some Non-canonical Prefix-Free Codes 

      Fariña, Antonio; Gagie, Travis; Manzini, Giovanni; Navarro, Gonzalo; Ordóñez, Alberto (Springer, 2016-09-21)
      [Abstract] For many kinds of prefix-free codes there are efficient and compact alternatives to the traditional tree-based representation. Since these put the codes into canonical form, however, they can only be used when ...
    • Efficient Representation of Multidimensional Data over Hierarchical Domains 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Cerdeira-Pena, Ana; López López, Narciso; Navarro, Gonzalo; Penabad, Miguel R.; Silva-Coira, Fernando (Springer, 2016-09-21)
      [Abstract] We consider the problem of representing multidimensional data where the domain of each dimension is organized hierarchically, and the queries require summary information at a different node in the hierarchy of ...
    • Enseñando a diseñar sistemas software para la sostenibilidad: una experiencia docente 

      Condori Fernández, Nelly; Herrmann, Andrea; Catalá, Alejandro; Suni, Franci (Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2022)
      [Resumen]: Hoy en día, la sostenibilidad se constituye en uno de los motores claves de la innovación. Así mismo, las empresas de software vienen también demandando nuevas habilidades para continuar su presencia en un mercado ...
    • Experiencias y resultados para facilitar la compatibilización de un máster interuniversitario con un trabajo a tiempo completo 

      Cortiñas, Alejandro; González-Jorge, Higinio; Ladra, Susana; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel (Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2018)
      [Resumen]: Presentamos un Máster interuniversitario en Geoinformática, impartido por las universidades de A Coruña y Vigo, y diseñado para que el alumno trabajador pueda seguir las clases. El máster se basa en el uso de ...
    • Exploiting Computation-Friendly Graph Compression Methods for Adjacency-Matrix Multiplication 

      Francisco, Alexandre P.; Gagie, Travis; Ladra, Susana; Navarro, Gonzalo (IEEE Computer Society, 2018-03)
      [Abstract] Computing the product of the (binary) adjacency matrix of a large graph with a real-valued vector is an important operation that lies at the heart of various graph analysis tasks, such as computing PageRank. In ...
    • GraCT: A Grammar Based Compressed Representation of Trajectories 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Gómez-Brandón, Adrián; Navarro, Gonzalo; Paramá, José R. (Springer, 2016-09-21)
      [Abstract] We present a compressed data structure to store free trajectories of moving objects (ships over the sea, for example) allowing spatio-temporal queries. Our method, GraCT, uses a k2k2 -tree to store the absolute ...
    • Herramienta para la visualización de la movilidad durante la pandemia 

      Cortiñas, Alejandro; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Pedreira, Óscar (Sistedes, 2021)
      [Resumen]: En este artículo presentamos una herramienta prototipo desarrollada entre los meses de mayo a julio del 2020, durante la situación de pandemia por el COVID-19, para mostrar la información de movilidad proporcionada ...
    • Improved Compressed String Dictionaries 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Cerdeira-Pena, Ana; Bernardo, Guillermo de; Navarro, Gonzalo (ACM, 2019-11-03)
      [Abstract] We introduce a new family of compressed data structures to efficiently store and query large string dictionaries in main memory. Our main technique is a combination of hierarchical Front-coding with ideas from ...
    • Navigational Rule Derivation: An algorithm to determine the effect of traffic signs on road networks 

      Galaktionov, Daniil; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Saavedra Places, Ángeles (2016-11-17)
      [Abstract] In this paper we present an algorithm to build a road network map enriched with traffic rules such as one-way streets and forbidden turns, based on the interpretation of already detected and classified traffic ...
    • Plugin for automatisation of phonetic-phonological analysis and obtaining analytical feedback for Spanish learners 

      Couto-Fernández, Tamara; Sarymsakova, Albina; Condori Fernández, Nelly; Martín-Rodilla, Patricia (CEUR-WS.org, 2022)
      [Abstract] We present in this article the Plugin for phonetic-phonological analysis in Spanish (PAFe), which consists of a series of scripts (a code written with a programming language (Python) that, implement three ...
    • Re-ingeniería y Modernización de la Biblioteca Virtual Galega 

      Ramos-Vidal, Delfina; Cortiñas, Alejandro; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Pedreira, Óscar; Saavedra Places, Ángeles (Sistedes, 2021)
      [Resumen]: La Biblioteca Virtual Galega (BVG) es una biblioteca digital de referencia en literatura gallega de todos los tiempos, para el público general y especialmente para centros de educación de enseñanza obligatoria ...
    • Revisiting Compact RDF Stores Based on k2-Trees 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Cerdeira-Pena, Ana; Bernardo, Guillermo de; Fariña, Antonio (IEEE Xplore, 2020-03)
      [Abstract]: We present a new compact representation to efficiently store and query large RDF datasets in main memory. Our proposal, called BMatrix, is based on the k 2 -tree, a data structure devised to represent binary ...
    • Succinct Data Structures in the Realm of GIS 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Gutiérrez-Asorey, Pablo; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Varela Rodeiro, Tirso (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have spread all over our technological environment in the last decade. The inclusion of GPS technologies in everyday portable devices along with the creation of massive ...