• La producción del símbolo en el discurso científico: estudio de los textos sobre la estructura para la molécula de ADN 

      Estrada Zepeda, Nube (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Resumen] En este trabajo reflexionamos sobre los procesos de producción de símbolos en el discurso científico, especialmente nuestro interés ha sido el de la «estructura de la molécula del ácido desoxirribonucleico (ADN)” ...
    • The phenomenological road to Cognitive Semiotics 

      Sonesson, Goran (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] Like M. Jordan, who discovered in his old age that he had always been talking prose, I realized a few years ago that I have been doing cognitive semiotics my whole life. In my 1978 dissertation I argued for an ...
    • Dualism in corporeality: the meaning-making in I-I and I-Other relationships 

      Silva Guimarâes, Danilo; Mathias Simâo, Livia (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] Departing from the notion of the body as an agency, as proposed by Viveiros de Castro’s Amerindian perspectivism, the aim of this presentation is to articulate the notion of agentive corporeality with the notions ...
    • The cognitive process in advertising communication 

      Ivanov Trendafilov, Dimitar (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] Vertising is a kind of communication which proceeds between two sides in unequal positions. One side (the sender of the message) is tangible and evident while the other (the recipient) is a mass of different ...
    • La forma latente 

      García Ildarraz, Andrés (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Resumen] El trabajo a exponer es una reflexión sobre la aplicabilidad de la noción de «espacio ilativo» de Euryalo Cannabrava en procesos de producción de arte y diseño. Como premisa asumo que la ilación o inferencia puede ...
    • Clustering of affective categories in scandinavian and romance languages 

      Sauciuc, Gabriela Alina (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] Cross-cultural comparable data collected in several Romance and Scandinavian languages with the help of a series of tasks inspired by Fehr and Rusell’s prototype approach to emotions are analyzed from a perspective ...
    • Literatura electrónica: análisis de Dreamaphage, una alegoría digital 

      Armentia Couce, Elsa Raquel (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Resumen] Walter Benjamin, en La Obra de arte en la era de su reproducción mecánica, 1935, reflexiona sobre cómo la información y las tecnologías de la comunicación se relacionan con los cambios económicos, políticos y ...
    • Cognitive and communicative sources of Enantiosemy 

      Shmelev, Alexei (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] Enantiosemy arises from semantic shifts when the meaning of a sign takes two different paths with the resulting formation of two opposite meanings. My claim is that enantiosemy is a regular phenomenon depending ...
    • Can Archaeology's "Ritualistic and Symbolic Artefacts" be interpreted semiotically? 

      Vianello, Andrea (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] Archaeologists are often content to leave an interpretation of material culture at the point of recognising symbolic behaviours. However, new archaeological researches are expanding our knowledge of the past ...
    • Towards a Cognitive Semiotic aprroach to cinema: Semiotics vs. 'Semiology' 

      Cabak Redei, Anna (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] The point of departure for an eventual presentation is the question if a cognition (in semiotics) always has to be formulated in the terms of a triadic sign, as is it is done sometimes when applying a Peircian ...
    • Semiotics of architecture for a global world: distributive cognitive paradigm 

      Muntañola, Josep; Muntanyola, Dafne (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] AOne of the best semioticians of space and architecture L. Tchertov wrote this utterance: «The interiorization of the actions in space and the exteriorization of the inner spatial images are two faces of the ...
    • A favor de la interpretación: por una semiótica a la altura de los tiempos 

      Palao Errando, José Antonio (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Resumen] El texto de Susan Sontag «Contra la Interpretación” parece haberse constituido en una especie de dogma implícito entre los que se dedican al análisis textual. En esta comunicación defendemos que lo que Sontag ...
    • Aspects dialogiques de la conception architecturale 

      Deshayes, Catherine (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Résumé] L’acte de conception architecturale est un acte communicationnel dont le graphisme et le verbal sont les modes privilégiés. L’objet architectural s’étaye de façon continue ou discontinue sur un "voir-agir-voir". ...
    • Affordances as possible actions: elements for a semiotic approach 

      Morgagni, Simone (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] As far as semiotic theories are concerned, new digital texts and objects emphasize the need to refocus on the intimate connection between user and interface, considered as a space where deploying and manipulating ...
    • Semiótica cognitiva y multimodalidad en la interacción pedagógica 

      Obando Velásquez, Lucila (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Resumen] En el presente trabajo se pretende, en primer lugar, caracterizar la Semiótica Cognitiva como nueva disciplina dedicada al análisis del significado, que combina los desarrollos de la semántica y de la lingüística ...
    • General Idea as the Mark of Habit in the C.S. Peirce's Work 

      Guimarâes Jorge, Ana Maria (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] In the article How to Make Our Ideas Clear, published in 1878 by Popular Science Montly, Peirce presents his classical pragmatic maximum «Consider whatever effects, which could conceivably have practical ...
    • The tête-à-tête of performance in fashion and art 

      Mechelen, Marga van (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] Performance art has always been considered a treat to Modernist Art; it was theatrical in the pejorative sense Michael Fried gave to the word. When we look at his arguments we might conclude that not alone ...
    • Semiotic trans-temporality: communication of culture in two cultures of communications 

      Morandi, Nausica (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] My paper wants examine the trans temporality importance of the semiotic approach to realize newness in two music/dramaturgical phenomenon temporally distant about seven centuries: on the one hand giving a new ...
    • Canon y microrrelato en Hispanoamérica 

      Mariel Espinosa, Gabriela (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Resumen] La multiplicidad de manifestaciones que produjo la narrativa brevísima en Hispanoamérica, desde los umbrales del siglo XX hasta nuestros días, fue configurando un género literario que adquirió, paulatinamente, ...
    • A comparative study of branding cities through semiotic abalyses of the official websites os Seoul, Tokyo and Beijing 

      Jeon, Hyeong Yeon; Jeon, Ji Yeonjung (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] This study is primarily a series of semiotic analyses of the symbols and visual expressions employed in the contents of the official websites designed to promote three capitol cities of East Asian countries - ...