Browsing by Title
Now showing items 49-68 of 34715
3D Features Fusion for Automated Segmentation of Fluid Regions in CSCR Patients: An OCT-based Photodynamic Therapy Response Analysis
(Springer Nature, 2024)[Abstract]: Central Serous Chorioretinopathy (CSCR) is a significant cause of vision impairment worldwide, with Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) emerging as a promising treatment strategy. The capability to precisely segment ... -
3D LES simulations of a static and vertically free-to-oscillate 4:1 rectangular cylinder: effects of the grid resolution
(Elsevier, 2019)[Abstract:] In the present study, the aerodynamics of the flow fields around a static and vertically free-to-oscillate 4:1 rectangular cylinder are analysed by means of 3D LES simulations, adopting the OneEqEddy viscosity ... -
3D physical modeling for checking Level III probabilistic design in breakwaters: A case study in Punta Langosteira Port, Spain
(Taylor & Francis, 2019)[Abstract:] The structural design of a breakwater is usually carried out by applying the verification equations existing in the literature in order to analyze the different failure modes. It is also common to perform ... -
3D Point Cloud Analysis via Transformer-Based Graph Learning for Multiple Sclerosis Screening in OCT Images
(Elsevier, 2024)[Abstract]: Multiple Sclerosis (MS), the leading cause of non-traumatic neurological impairment in young adults, manifests morphological changes in the retina observable in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images. These ... -
3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Through Functional Data Analysis
(Springer, 2023)[Abstract]: Here, we propose a method for the semantic segmentation of 3D point clouds based on functional data analysis. For each point of a training set, a number of handcrafted features representing the local geometry ... -
3D printing light-curing acrylic resins with electrical properties based on polianiline and lignin
(2022)[Abstract] Advances in 3D printing, key to the new production models of Industry 4.0, require high-performance and environmentally friendly materials. Its application in sensors is especially attractive, allowing, at an ... -
3D Retinal Vessel Tree Segmentation and Reconstruction with OCT Images
(Springer, 2016-07-01)[Absctract]: Detection and analysis of the arterio-venular tree of the retina is a relevant issue, providing useful information in procedures such as the diagnosis of different pathologies. Classical approaches for vessel ... -
3DGraCT: A Grammar-Based Compressed Representation of 3D Trajectories
(Springer, 2018)[Abstract]: Much research has been published about trajectory management on the ground or at the sea, but compression or indexing of flight trajectories have usually been less explored. However, air traffic management is ... -
3er. Cicle de Teatre Granollers
(Teatre de l'Associació CulturalGrafiques Garrell), 1974) -
3er. Congreso de Salvamento y Socorrismo de Galicia
(Fundación IDISSA, 2004)[Resumen] Los días 17, 18 y 19 de octubre de 2003 se celebró en Sanxenxo (Pontevedra) el "3er. Congreso de Salvamento y Socorrismo de Galicia", que contó con los respaldos de las Universidades de A Coruña y Vigo. En este ... -
4 and 7-bit Labeling for Projective and Non-Projective Dependency Trees
(Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023-12)[Absctract]: We introduce an encoding for parsing as sequence labeling that can represent any projective dependency tree as a sequence of 4-bit labels, one per word. The bits in each word’s label represent (1) whether it ... -
45 capillas de emergencia: Reconstruyamos Chile con Cristo: un manto para Chile
(Universidade da Coruña, 2013)[Resumen] Como consecuencia del terremoto en Chile en el año 2010, el 47% de los templos católicos del país quedaron dañados, siendo el 80% de los templos de las zonas afectadas destruidos. Alrededor de un millón de fieles ... -
4º Festival Internacional de Teatro Universitario de Santiago de Compostela
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1998) -
50 aniversario Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas: pasado, presente y futuro
(Asociación española de fisioterapeutas, 2019-09-01)