Mostrando ítems 14718-14737 de 32950

    • Faros na escuridade. Ideoloxía e tradución: os enfoques feministas e poscoloniais 

      Reimóndez, María (Universidade da Coruña, 2013)
    • Farruco. Paco, Fran: datos históricos e evolución dos hipocorísticos en Galicia 

      Boullón Agrelo, Ana Isabel (Universidade da Coruña, 2007)
      [Resumo] Os hipocorísticos, ou formas afectivas dos nomes persoais, apenas foron obxecto de estudo en Galicia ata agora. Neste traballo comézase reflexionando sobre a súa delimitación con- ceptual e as dificultades ...
    • Farsa plautina 

      Teatro de Cámara Ditea (Grupo teatral) (Teatro de Cámara Ditea, 1987)
    • Fas e Nefas o castelo enmeigado 5000 e pico 

      Kukas; Ollomol Teatro Submarino (Grupo teatral) (Ollomol Teatro SubmarinoPlana Artes Gráficas), 1991)
    • Fase previa de investigación en el P.J. "Santa Bárbara" Nº 1355 (Zamora) 

      Bodega Barahona, Fernando (Universidade da Coruña, 1982)
      [Resumen] La Empresa Nacional ADARO está llevando a cabo diversos trabajos para investigación de Sn-W en el N.O. de la Península. Se citan los que se encuentran en fase más avanzada, especificando las labores mineras de ...
    • Fase propedêutica da comunicação oral e escrita: uma via para o sucesso 

      Sousa, Isaura das Dores Gomes de; Moura, Maria Jacinta da Silva (Universidade da Coruña, 2000)
      [Resumo] "No Homem, só é firme e estável, aquilo de que se embebe a la. Idade". (Coménio, p.13l) Ontem como hoje permanece firme esta convicção. É, realmente, nos primeiros anos de aprendizagem que se centra urna boa parte ...
    • Fases de Ruddlesden-Popper de cobalto y materiales relacionados : síntesis, caracterización y propiedades de magneto-transporte 

      Sánchez-Andújar, Manuel (2002)
      [Resumen] En la bibliografía existen numerosos trabajos sobre las propiedades magnéticas, y de transporte magnetorresistivas de las perovskitas de cobalto Ln1-xAxCoO3 en los que el cobalto presenta valencia +3 y +4. Sin ...
    • Las fases del cambio en una experiencia de formación inter-centro 

      Moriña Díez, Anabel (Universidade da Coruña, 2001)
    • Fashion and digital culture 

      Avelar, Suzana (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)
      [Abstract] How fashion has been working and annoucing the paradigmes of the digital culture? Among many elements, we may stress a few ones which determine digital culture such as: fluidity, hybrid body and its manipulation, ...
    • Fashion and personal branding: user perception 

      Castro Bestilleiro, Andrea (2022)
      [Abstract] The establishment of a personal brand and personal branding as a practice are crucial elements towards the construction of a business-understanding business as a benefit obtained from the union of elements channelized ...
    • FASN activity is important for the initial stages of the induction of senescence 

      Fafián Labora, Juan Antonio; Carpintero-Fernández, Paula; Jordan, Samuel James Davison; Shikh-Bahaei, Tamanna; Abdullah, Sana Mohammad; Mahenthiran, Midusa; Rodríguez-Navarro, José Antonio; Niklison-Chirou, María Victoria; O’Loghlen, Ana (Springer Nature, 2019-04-08)
      [Abstract] Senescent cells accumulate in several tissues during ageing and contribute to several pathological processes such as ageing and cancer. Senescence induction is a complex process not well defined yet and is ...
    • Fast Algorithm for Impact Point Selection in Semiparametric Functional Models 

      Novo Díaz, Silvia; Aneiros Pérez, Germán; Vieu, Philippe (M D P I AG, 2019-07-31)
      [Abstract] A new sparse semiparametric functional model is proposed, which tries to incorporate the influence of two functional variables in a scalar response in a quite simple and interpretable way. One of the functional ...
    • Fast anomaly detection with locality-sensitive hashing and hyperparameter autotuning 

      Meira, Jorge; Eiras-Franco, Carlos; Bolón-Canedo, Verónica; Marreiros, Goreti; Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo (Elsevier, 2022-08)
      [Abstract]: This paper presents LSHAD, an anomaly detection (AD) method based on Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH), capable of dealing with large-scale datasets. The resulting algorithm is highly parallelizable and its ...
    • Fast deep autoencoder for federated learning 

      Novoa-Paradela, David; Fontenla-Romero, Óscar; Guijarro-Berdiñas, Bertha (Elsevier Ltd, 2023-11)
      [Abstract]: This paper presents a novel, fast and privacy preserving implementation of deep autoencoders. DAEF (Deep AutoEncoder for Federated learning), unlike traditional neural networks, trains a deep autoencoder network ...
    • Fast Distributed kNN Graph Construction Using Auto-tuned Locality-sensitive Hashing 

      Eiras-Franco, Carlos; Martínez Rego, David; Kanthan, Leslie; Piñeiro, César; Bahamonde, Antonio; Guijarro-Berdiñas, Bertha; Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo (Association for Computing Machinery, 2020)
      [Abstract]: The k-nearest-neighbors (kNN) graph is a popular and powerful data structure that is used in various areas of Data Science, but the high computational cost of obtaining it hinders its use on large datasets. ...
    • Fast Ferry Catamarán 950 Pax y 250 coches 

      Fernández Baldomir, Carlos (2016)
      Resumen: Se trata de un Ferry (Ro-pax) de alta velocidad con casco del tipo catamarán y capacidad para 950 pasajeros y 250 coches. La zona habilitada para el pasaje estará compuesta de butacas con capacidad para 950 personas, ...
    • Fast Quality Control of Natural Gas for Commercial Supply and Transport Utilities 

      Ferreiro, Borja; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; López-Mahía, P.; Muniategui, Soledad; Vázquez, Cristina; Pérez, Andrés; Rey, María; Vales Fernández, Carlos (Elsevier, 2021-07-28)
      [Abstract] Quality control of natural gas frequently relies on off-line slow standardized chromatographic techniques. Previous implementations of new measurement approaches focused of synthetic mixtures without extensive ...
    • Fast search of third-order epistatic interactions on CPU and GPU clusters 

      Ponte-Fernández, Christian; González-Domínguez, Jorge; Martín, María J. (Sage Publications Ltd., 2019-05-27)
      [Abstract] Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWASs), analyses that try to find a link between a given phenotype (such as a disease) and genetic markers, have been growing in popularity in the recent years. Relations between ...
    • Faster compressed quadtrees 

      Bernardo, Guillermo de; Gagie, Travis; Ladra, Susana; Navarro, Gonzalo; Seco, Diego (Elsevier B.V., 2023-02)
      [Abstract]: Real-world point sets tend to be clustered, so using a machine word for each point is wasteful. In this paper we first show how a compact representation of quadtrees using O(1) bits per node can break this bound ...