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dc.contributor.authorCid Galante, Rosa María
dc.identifier.citationSarmiento Anuario galego de historia da educación, 2007, 11: 37-57. ISSN: 1138-5863es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Resumo] O precario estado da educación de comezos de século na provincia ourensá era, en parte debido —entre outros moitos aspectos de carácter estrutural—, á escasa formación do profesorado. Como o espírito ou calidade escolar estaba a cargo do docente, nesta época, comeza a verse indispensable mellorar a súa formación e dar solución aos seus mesquiños soldos. Así que, para Romanones o fornecemento da formación docente sería un dos seus cabalos de batalla e urxía a reforma das Escolas Normais para revalorizar o ensino primario. Malia todo, a percepción que se tiña das mestras e mestres da provincia de Ourense era moi negativa, como así o reflectían os Informes da Inspección do momento. Neste estudo quere- mos afondar nestes informes de valoración do profesorado en Ourense de comezos de sécu- lo para ver que consideración se tiña deles por parte da Administración e se había diferen- zas por sexo, titulación, soldos, etc.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] The precarious situation of the educational system at the beginning of the cen- tury throughout the province of Ourense was largely due to the limited training of teachers — among other aspects of a structural nature. Since it was the teacher who was in charge of maintaining the spirit or quality of education at that time, improving teacher training and upgra- ding their meager salaries started to take on importance. For this reason one of the key issues that Romanones focussed on was strengthening teacher training and the reform of the Normal Schools to be able to offer better quality education at the elementary level. Nevertheless, the teachers of the province of Ourense were perceived in a negative light, as documented in ins- pection reports from that time period. Our objective in this study is to take an in-depth look at these inspection reports on the schoolteachers in Ourense in the early 20th century to deter- mine how they were considered by the Administration and to point out any differences found in relation to sex, qualifications, salaries, etc.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruñaes_ES
dc.subjectEnsino primarioes_ES
dc.subjectReforma educativaes_ES
dc.subjectInspección educativaes_ES
dc.subjectFormación do maxisterioes_ES
dc.subjectElementary educationes_ES
dc.subjectEducation reformes_ES
dc.subjectSchool inspectiones_ES
dc.subjectTeacher traininges_ES
dc.titleA percepción dos docentes do ensino primario ourensán a comezos do século XX: un profesoradoes_ES

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