• Necessary players and values 

      Gonçalves-Dosantos, J.C.; García-Jurado, Ignacio; Costa, Julián; Alonso-Meijide, José María (Springer, 2022)
      [Abstract]: In this paper we introduce the Γ value, a new value for cooperative games with transferable utility. We also provide an axiomatic characterization of the Γ value based on a property concerning the so-called ...
    • New Problems for Old Vineyards: Mitigating the Impacts of Yellow-Legged Hornets (Vespa velutina) in a Historical Wine-Producing Area 

      Lueje, Yaiza R.; Jácome, M. A.; Servia, María J. (Elsevier, 2024-03-14)
      [Abstract] Traditional small-sized vineyards are especially sensitive to different impacts, including the arrival of new pests. The adults of the yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina), an invasive alien species present in ...
    • New results on egalitarian values for games with a priori unions 

      Gonçalves-Dosantos, J.C.; Alonso-Meijide, José María (Taylor and Francis, 2023)
      [Abstract]: Several extensions of the equal division value and the equal surplus division value to the family of games with a priori unions have been proposed by Alonso-Meijide et al. [On egalitarian values for cooperative ...
    • Nonparametric estimation of the conditional variance function with correlated errors 

      Vilar, Juan M.; Francisco-Fernández, Mario (Taylor & Francis, 2006)
    • Nonparametric Conditional Risk Mapping Under Heteroscedasticity 

      Fernández-Casal, Rubén; Castillo-Páez, Sergio; Francisco-Fernández, Mario (Springer Nature, 2024-03)
      [Absctract]: A nonparametric procedure to estimate the conditional probability that a nonstationary geostatistical process exceeds a certain threshold value is proposed. The method consists of a bootstrap algorithm that ...
    • Nonparametric covariate hypothesis tests for the cure rate in mixture cure models 

      López-Cheda, Ana; Jácome, M. A.; Keilegom, Ingrid Van; Cao, Ricardo (John Wiley & Sons, 2020-06)
      [Abstract]: In lifetime data, like cancer studies, there may be long term survivors, which lead to heavy censoring at the end of the follow-up period. Since a standard survival model is not appropriate to handle these data, ...
    • Nonparametric estimation for a functional-circular regression model 

      Meilán-Vila, Andrea; Crujeiras-Casais, Rosa M.; Francisco-Fernández, Mario (Springer, 2024)
      [Abstract]: Changes on temperature patterns, on a local scale, are perceived by individuals as the most direct indicators of global warming and climate change. As a specific example, for an Atlantic climate location, spring ...
    • Nonparametric Estimation in Mixture Cure Models with Covariates 

      López-Cheda, Ana; Peng, Yingwei; Jácome, M. A. (Springer Nature, 2023-05-17)
      [Abstract] Nonparametric estimation methods for the cure rate and the distribution of the failure time of uncured subjects with covariates for censored survival data have attracted much attention in the last few years. To ...
    • Nonparametric estimation of circular trend surfaces with application to wave directions 

      Meilán-Vila, Andrea; Crujeiras-Casais, Rosa M.; Francisco-Fernández, Mario (2021)
      In oceanography, modeling wave fields requires the use of statistical tools capable of handling the circular nature of the data measurements. An important issue in ocean wave analysis is the study of height and direction ...
    • Nonparametric estimation of the probability of default with double smoothing 

      Peláez, Rebeca; Cao, Ricardo; Vilar, Juan M. (Institut d'Estadistica de Catalunya, 2021)
      [Abstract]: In this paper, a general nonparametric estimator of the probability of default is proposed and studied. It is derived from an estimator of the conditional survival function for censored data obtained with a ...
    • Nonparametric forecasting in time series: a comparative study 

      Vilar, Juan M.; Cao, Ricardo (Taylor & Francis, 2007)
      The problem of predicting a future value of a time series is considered in this paper. If the series follows a stationary Markov process, this can be done by nonparametric estimation of the autoregression function. Two ...
    • Nonparametric geostatistical risk mapping 

      Fernández-Casal, Rubén; Castillo-Páez, Sergio; Francisco-Fernández, Mario (2018)
      In this work, a fully nonparametric geostatistical approach to estimate threshold exceeding probabilities is proposed. To estimate the large-scale variability (spatial trend) of the process, the nonparametric local linear ...
    • Nonparametric incidence estimation and bootstrap bandwidth selection in mixture cure models 

      López-Cheda, Ana; Cao, Ricardo; Jácome, M. A.; Keilegom, Ingrid Van (Elsevier, 2017-01)
      [Abstract]: A completely nonparametric method for the estimation of mixture cure models is proposed. A nonparametric estimator of the incidence is extensively studied and a nonparametric estimator of the latency is presented. ...
    • Nonparametric Kernel Estimation of the Probability of Cure in a Mixture Cure Model when the Cure Status is Partially Observed 

      Safari, Wende Clarence; López-de-Ullibarri, Ignacio; Jácome, M. A. (Sage, 2022-08-01)
      [Abstract] Cure models are a class of time-to-event models where a proportion of individuals will never experience the event of interest. The lifetimes of these so-called cured individuals are always censored. It is usually ...
    • Nonparametric latency estimation for mixture cure models 

      López-Cheda, Ana; Jácome, M. A.; Cao, Ricardo (Springer Nature, 2017-06)
      [Abstract]: A nonparametric latency estimator for mixture cure models is studied in this paper. An i.i.d. representation is obtained, the asymptotic mean squared error of the latency estimator is found, and its asymptotic ...
    • Nonparametric multiple regression estimation for circular response 

      Meilán-Vila, Andrea; Francisco-Fernández, Mario; Crujeiras-Casais, Rosa M.; Panzera, Agnese (2021)
      Nonparametric estimators of a regression function with circular response and -valued predictor are considered in this work. Local polynomial estimators are proposed and studied. Expressions for the asymptotic conditional ...
    • npcure: An R Package for Nonparametric Inference in Mixture Cure Models 

      López-Cheda, Ana; Jácome, M. A.; López-de-Ullibarri, Ignacio (Technische Universitaet Wien, 2021)
      [Abstract] Mixture cure models have been widely used to analyze survival data with a cure fraction. They assume that a subgroup of the individuals under study will never experience the event (cured subjects). So, the goal ...
    • Nuevo paradigma de big data en la era de la industria 4.0 

      Naya, Salvador (Colegio Oficial de Terapeutas Ocupaciones de Galicia, 2018-05-31)
      [Resumen]:Entre los cambios de paradigma que está suponiendo la llamada cuarta revolución industrial, también llamada Industria 4.0, se encuentra que los ciudadanos tenemos que convivir en un mundo cada vez más controlado ...
    • Of Fears and Budgets: Strategies of Control in Vespa velutina Invasion and Lessons for Best Management Practices 

      Pazos, Tamara; Álvarez-Figueiró, Patricia; Cortés Vázquez, José Antonio; Jácome, M. A.; Servia, María J. (Springer, 2022)
      [Abstrat] Implementing management practices for the control of invasive species can be a complex task with multiple dimensions, where the identification of stakeholders and drivers of those practices is of paramount ...
    • On benefits of cooperation under strategic power 

      Fiestras Janeiro, María Gloria; García-Jurado, Ignacio; Meca Martínez, Ana; Mosquera Rodríguez, Manuel Alfredo (Springer, 2020-05)
      [Abstract]: We introduce a new model involving TU-games and exogenous structures. Specifically, we consider that each player in a population can choose an element in a strategy set and that, for every possible strategy ...