• Perforated shear + reinforcement bar connectors in a timber-concrete composite solution. Analytical and numerical approach 

      Suárez-Riestra, Félix; Estévez-Cimadevila, Javier; Martín-Gutiérrez, Emilio; Otero-Chans, Dolores (Elsevier, 2019)
      [Abstract] This paper presents a study of a novel shear connector in a timber-concrete composite solution, focussing on the determination of an analytical expression that makes it possible to predict its behaviour and a ...
    • Planar Crack Approach to Evaluate the Flexural Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Sections 

      Carmona, Jacinto R.; Cortés-Buitrago, Raúl; Rey-Rey, Juan; Ruiz, Gonzalo (MDPI, 2022)
      [Abstract] : This article describes a model based on concepts of Fracture Mechanics to evaluate the flexural strength of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) sections. The model covers the need by structural engineers to have ...
    • Premios COAG fin de carrera 

      Freire-Tellado, Manuel J.; Fernández-Albalat Ruiz, Andrés; Lorenzen Ketterling, Angélika (Universidade da Coruña, 1990)
    • La reparación de la bóveda del altar mayor de la iglesia del Colegio Nª Sª de la Antigua 

      Freire-Tellado, Manuel J. (Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja, 2023-08-29)
      [Resumen] El texto presenta las actuaciones de reparación de una bóveda del Siglo de Oro español, la bóveda de cañón con lunetos que cierra el Altar Mayor de la iglesia de Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Antigua de Monforte ...
    • Representando la estructura. Reflexiones sobre la obra de Arthur Vierendeel "La construction architecturale en fonte, fer et acier" 

      López-César, Isaac; Estévez-Cimadevila, Javier (Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, 2017-03)
      [Resumen] En 1902 Arthur Vierendeel publicaba su libro “La construction architecturale en fonte, fer et acier” en el que describía gráficamente la anatomía constructiva de los que él consideró los edificios más significativos ...
    • Ruta de las Monteas en el Colegio Nª Sª de la Antigua en Monforte de Lemos 

      Freire-Tellado, Manuel J.; Blanco Losada, Pablo; Agudo García, Javier (Universitat Politècnica de València: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-12-31)
      [Resumen] El soporte constructivo del Renacimiento español es la sillería aplantillada. Para obtener las plantillas que permiten la labra de los sillares, es preciso dibujar las piezas que conforman la fábrica a tamaño ...
    • Scissor-Hinged Deployable Structures Supported Perimetrally on Rectangular Bases 

      Freire-Tellado, Manuel J.; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan (IASS, 2020)
      [Abstract] Deployable bar structures on a rectangular base present the problems of closing the ends and longitudinal stabilization. Some proposals have been made to resolve them, mainly by creating mouths, but their ...
    • Self-tensioning long-span T-shaped spruce and oak web floors with a CLT upper flange. An experimental approach 

      Martín-Gutiérrez, Emilio; Estévez-Cimadevila, Javier; Otero-Chans, Dolores; Suárez-Riestra, Félix (Elsevier, 2018)
      A device is described that makes it possible to automatically apply a post-tensioning force on deflected elements in response to applied gravitational loads. The behaviour of transverse T-section beams is analysed. They ...
    • Self-tensioning system for long-span wooden structural floors 

      Estévez-Cimadevila, Javier; Otero-Chans, Dolores; Martín-Gutiérrez, Emilio; Suárez-Riestra, Félix (Elsevier, 2016)
      [Abstract] A patented self-tensioning system for long-span wooden structural floors is described that increases the performance of the deflected sections in terms of both resistance and deformation. The system is based on ...
    • Structure and architectural project: two examples with masonry walls. 

      Freire-Tellado, Manuel J.; Rosales Noves, José Manuel; Crecente, G. (Taylor & Francis, 2010)
      [Abstract] The paper presents two buildings solved with masonry walls: a family house in Betanzos and a multi-storey apartment building located at Lugo. The structure of the first one is solved by load-bearing walls of ...
    • Systems that improve the behaviour of joints made using glued-in rods 

      Otero-Chans, Dolores; Estévez-Cimadevila, Javier; Martín-Gutiérrez, Emilio; Suárez-Riestra, Félix (Springer, 2019)
      Joints made using glued-in rods have been the subject of many numerical and experimental studies. The joints most widely used are those known as cylindrical joints, i.e., joints made using cylindrical rods of constant ...
    • Timber Specimens Parametrized Design for Numerical Analysis 

      Martín-Gutiérrez, Emilio; Estévez-Cimadevila, Javier; Otero-Chans, Dolores; Muñiz Gómez, Santiago (WIT press, 2006)
      [Abstract] The characterization of materials or the study of resistant response associated with new constructive solutions often convey progressive adjustment of models of analysis starting from the results obtained by ...
    • Timber-Concrete Composite Structural Flooring System 

      Estévez-Cimadevila, Javier; Martín-Gutiérrez, Emilio; Suárez-Riestra, Félix; Otero-Chans, Dolores; Vázquez-Rodríguez, Pepe (Elsevier, 2022-05-15)
      [Abstract] An integrated solution is presented for the execution of building structures using timber-concrete composite (TCC) sections that make efficient use of the mechanical properties of both materials. The system ...
    • Timber-Timber-Composite (TTC) beam long-term behaviour. Full scale experimental campaign and simplified analytical model 

      Suárez-Riestra, Félix; Estévez-Cimadevila, Javier; Martín-Gutiérrez, Emilio; Otero-Chans, Dolores (Elsevier, 2022-12-26)
      [Abstract] The variability of the physical and mechanical properties of wood requires that the analysis of its long-term behavior take into account all the factors capable of modifying these properties. The environmental ...
    • La unidad 2 de Caranza en Ferrol: futuro imperfecto 

      Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan (2018)
      [Resumen] La Unidad 2 del Polígono de Caranza en Ferrol es un buen ejemplo de la concreción de algunas propuestas arquitectónicas idealistas de los años 60. Se trataba de proporcionar viviendas dignas a determinados sectores ...
    • World Expos and architectonic structures :An intimate relationship 

      López-César, Isaac (Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), Paris., 2019-02)
      [Abstract] This article approaches, in a summarized way, the existing relations between World Expos and architectural structures, establishing the diverse historical stages existing in this relation. Likewise, it explains, ...
    • World Expos and architectonic structures. An intimate relationship. 

      López-César, Isaac (Bureau International des Expositions (BIE)., 2022)
      [Abstract] This article approaches, in a summarized way, the existing relations between World Expos and architectural structures, establishing the diverse historical stages existing in this relation. Likewise, it explains, ...