REV - SOC - Nº 04, (2001)
Envíos recentes
Modelizaciones en torno al problema de la construcción del sujeto.
(Universidade da Coruña, 2001)[Abstract] From Foucault's point of view, a "subject" is a body that resists the radical ins.. cription of the discurssive..power of history and points at the place of its emergen.. ce at the very place that a subject..power ... -
La asimilación cultural como destino: el análisis de las relaciones étnicas de R. Park
(Universidade da Coruña, 2001)[Abstract] The analysis of ethnic relations took a decisive role in the shapping of the Chicago's sociology leader Robert Park. A main assumption of this paper is that this sociology has still much to say in contemporary ... -
Celia Amorós: Tiempo de feminismo. Sobre feminismo, proyecto ilustrado y postmodernidad. Madrid, Cátedra, 1997
(Universidade da Coruña, 2001) -
Los estudios de género en los Estados Unidos
(Universidade da Coruña, 2001)[Abstract] This essay reviews the extensive and varied subjects that Women Studies have developed in the USA in the last decades of the 20th~century.The author empha~ sizes the diversity and richness of the theoretical ...