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dc.contributor.authorGarcía Fuentes, Araceli
dc.identifier.citationAEDEAN 2008, 31: 315-327 ISBN-978-84-9749-278-2
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] This paper is based on a research project by the same author, in which the acquisition of the English negation system is investigated. This is a preliminary account and it is corpus-based. Two learner corpora were used: the International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE) Spanish subcorpus and the Santiago University Learner of English Corpus (SULEC). The former is a sample corpus –it is finished– and it contains writtenargumentative essays of Spanish speakers. The latter contains both spoken and written data –oral interviews and argumentativetexts– and it is a monitor corpus, new data are continuously beingadded. The Spanish subcorpus of ICLE contains over 125.000words; whereas SULEC contained over 350.000 words at the moment of the research. A native English corpus was also used in order to contrast the learner and the native use of English negation.
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruña
dc.titleThe Use of English Negation by Spanish Students of English: a Learner Corpus-Based Study

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