• Uso de vídeos cortos entre el alumnado adolescente y universitario como herramienta de aprendizaje 

      Rodríguez-Padín, Rocío; Álvarez García, Begoña; Enríquez-Díaz, Joaquín; Teira Fachado, Andrea (Campus Educa-Sportis, 2023)
      [Resumen] Las experiencias didácticas surgidas en los últimos años en el sector educativo suponen un cambio de paradigma respecto de la enseñanza tradicional. La COVID-19 impulsó de manera definitiva esta praxis, abogando ...
    • Utilities: Innovation and Sustainability 

      Loredo, Enrique; Lopez-Mielgo, Nuria; Pineiro-Villaverde, Gustavo; García-Álvarez, María Teresa (MDPI, 2019)
      [Abstract]: Pro-market reforms have disrupted the playing field and strongly affected the innovative behavior of electricity, gas and water utilities. Beyond a significant reduction in sectoral R&D investments, very ...
    • Validez de una escala de cultura de calidad y responsabilidad social gubernamental 

      Grajales-Díaz, Arline; Ríos-Manríquez, Martha; Sánchez-Fernández, María Dolores (2021)
      [Resumen] Este artículo tiene por objetivo obtener un instrumento robusto que evalúe la cultura de calidad y la Responsabilidad Social del Gobierno de Villaflores, Chiapas, a partir del instrumento de Responsabilidad Social ...
    • Valuation of a Company Producing and Trading Seaweed for Human Consumption: Classical Methods vs. Real Options 

      Pérez-Vas, Raisa; Puime Guillén, Félix; Enríquez-Díaz, Joaquín (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] Aquaculture is an increasingly relevant sector in the exploitation of natural resources; therefore, it is appropriate to propose various models that include the fundamental variables for its economic-financial ...
    • Wind-solar technological, spatial and temporal complementarities in Europe: A portfolio approach 

      López Prol, Javier; DeLlano-Paz, Fernando; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo; Pfenninger, Stefan; Staffell, Iain (Elsevier, 2024)
      [Abstract]: Climate change and geopolitical risks call for the rapid transformation of electricity systems worldwide, with Europe at the forefront. Wind and solar are the lowest cost, lowest risk, and cleanest energy ...
    • Work Techno-Resources and its Impact on Technostress. A Case Study 

      Ruiz Dominguez, Verónica Esperanza; Rìos, Martha; Sánchez-Fernández, María Dolores (2019-05)
      [Abstract]: The information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have changed how the professors in the Higher Education Institutions (HEI) conduct their activities that benefits their work and personal routines. Nevertheless, ...