Mostrando ítems 11-15 de 86

    • Environmental assessment model for scrubbers versus alternative mitigation systems for feeder vessels in liner shipping 

      Martínez López, Alba; Marrero, África; Martín-Cruz, Yumara; Míguez González, Marcos (Elsevier, 2022-08-17)
      [Abstract] Implementation of the Global Sulphur Cap (GSC), in January 2020, boosted scrubber installation in vessels to fulfill the new air emission limitations. This increase in scrubbers’ use has intensified concern about ...
    • Evaluation of Onboard Stability Assessment Techniques Under Real Operational Conditions 

      Santiago Caamaño, Lucía; Míguez González, Marcos; Allegue García, Sandra; Díaz Casás, Vicente (Elsevier, 2022-08-15)
      [Abstract] Stability-related accidents and crew lack of training are among the main causes of fatalities in the fishing fleet. Onboard stability guidance systems have been proposed by many authors as a possible solution. ...
    • A Study of Growth Based Morphological Development in Neural Network Controlled Walkers 

      Naya-Varela, M.; Faíña, Andrés; Mallo, Alma; Duro, Richard J. (Elsevier, 2022-05-25)
      [Abstract] In nature, the physical development of the body that takes place in parallel to the cognitive development of the individual has been shown to facilitate learning. This opens up the question of whether the same ...
    • Review of Ship Energy Efficiency 

      Barreiro Montes, Julio; Zaragoza, Sonia; Díaz Casás, Vicente (Elsevier, 2022-05-31)
      [Abstract] Energy efficiency has become increasingly relevant in the current economic and environmental situations. This paper aims to create a map of the state of the art of the energy efficiency on the marine sector, ...
    • Reliability and Maintenance Management Analysis on OffShore Wind Turbines (OWTs) 

      Taboada, José V.; Díaz Casás, Vicente; Yu, Xi (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] Due to the extreme marine operating environment, the remoteness from the maintenance base, and the expensive specialized accessibility and overhaul equipment needed (e.g., barges, boats, ships, and vessels), ...