Mostrando ítems 16-20 de 86

    • Installing Green Artificial Reefs: A Sustainable Challenge 

      Munín-Doce, Alicia; Castro-Santos, Laura; Carral Couce, Luis; Cartelle Barros, Juan José; Camba, C.; Tarrío-Saavedra, Javier (European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ),, 2021-09)
      [Abstract] Green Artificial Reefs (GARs) are marine structures to exploit sea resources in a sustainable way (produce food resources, improve the tourism, etc.). They should be installed on the seabed, process that is ...
    • Developing a Simulation Model for Autonomous Driving Education in the Robobo SmartCity Framework 

      Juanatey, Daniel; Naya, M.; Baamonde, Tamara; Bellas, Francisco (MDPI, 2021-10)
      Abstract: This paper focuses on long-term education in Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied to robotics. Specifically, it presents the Robobo SmartCity educational framework. It is based on two main elements: the ...
    • Simulation of the Fluid–Structure Interaction in Fishing Nets 

      Roget, Sergio; Lema, Marcos; Gosset, Anne (MDPI, 2021-10)
      Abstract: The main objective of this work is the development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics model coupled with a structural code for the simulation and optimization of fishing gears. As fishing nets are highly deformable ...
    • Numerical Simulations and Modal Analysis to Investigate the Defects in a Coating Process 

      Barreiro-Villaverde, David; Lema, Marcos; Gosset, Anne (MDPI, 2021-10)
      Abstract: This work investigates the hydrodynamics of jet wiping, a coating process in which a thin slot gas jet impinges on a coating film dragged by a moving strip; thus, reducing the coating thickness and developing a ...
    • CBM Challenges and Opportunities for O&M of the Johan Sverdrup Oil and Gas Field 

      Taboada, José V.; Díaz Casás, Vicente; Yu, Xi (Elsevier, 2021-10)
      [Abstract] Paper describes the challenges and forward developments to face up on Operation and Maintenance (O&M) issues at the Johan Sverdrup field (Blocks: PL 501, PL 265 and PL 502), on the phases (Concept and Design, ...