Mostrando ítems 36-40 de 124

    • Fair Income Tax With Endogenous Productivities and a Fresh Start 

      Calo-Blanco, Aitor (Springer, 2022)
      [Abstract] This paper considers a model in which agents have heterogeneous preferences over labour and consumption. Additionally, they also differ in their earning skills, which are a function of both an innate ability and ...
    • Individual Well-Being, Geographical Heterogeneity and Social Capital 

      Neira Gómez, Isabel; Bruna, Fernando; Portela, Marta; García-Aracil, Adela (Springer, 2018)
      [Abstract] This paper argues the relevance of analysing the origins of contextual effects to explain subjective well-being (SWB). Using the 2012 European Social Survey, the study applies social capital indicators to ...
    • Market Potential, Spatial Dependences and Spillovers in European Regions 

      Bruna, Fernando; López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Faíña, José Andrés (Taylor & Francis, 2016)
      [Abstract] This paper reinterprets the New Economic Geography (NEG) ‘wage’ equation by dis-tinguishing two different types of spatial dependences: global spatial trend and local spa-tial autocorrelation. A measure of Market ...
    • Modelling cyclical asymetries in European imports 

      Cancelo de la Torre, José Ramón; Mourelle, Estefanía (Springer, 2005)
      [Abstract]: This paper applies smooth transition models to capture the nonlinear behavior in the imports data of six major European economies and to assess whether such nonlinearities are related to business cycle ...
    • A Note on the Concavity of the Happiness Function in Family Support 

      Bruna, Fernando; Rungo, Paolo (Economics Bulletin, 2020)
      [Abstract] In the happiness literature, there is an extensive debate about the diminishing marginal utility of income. However, this issue is neglected when considering another critical driver of happiness, social capital, ...