Mostrando ítems 31-35 de 124

    • Fair Compensation With Different Social Concerns for Forgiveness 

      Calo-Blanco, Aitor (Springer, 2016)
      [Abstract] Forgiveness is an ethical ideal that advocates that a fresh start should be conferred upon those individuals who have changed their preferences and regret their previous decisions. Despite the ethical debate ...
    • On the Welfare Loss Caused by Inequality of Opportunity 

      Calo-Blanco, Aitor; García Pérez, José Ignacio (Springer, 2014)
      [Abstract] Based on the ethical principle of equality of opportunity, this paper presents a measure of the welfare loss that is caused by an unfair distribution of a particular outcome (income, health, education, etc). The ...
    • Natural Disasters and Indicators of Social Cohesion 

      Calo-Blanco, Aitor; Kovarik, Jaromir; Mengel, Friederike; Romero-Ciavatto, J. Gabriel (Public Library of Science, 2017)
      [Abstract] Do adversarial environmental conditions create social cohesion? We provide new answers to this question by exploiting spatial and temporal variation in exposure to earthquakes across Chile. Using a variety of ...
    • Integración económica, barreras no arancelarias y bienestar social 

      Calo-Blanco, Aitor; Mendez Naya, Jose (Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo. Secretaría de Estado de Comercio, 2004)
      [Resumen] El objetivo de este trabajo es el de analizar en qué medida los acuerdos de comercio preferencial conducirán a una sustitución de las barreras arancelarias por otras de tipo no arancelario, así como los efectos ...
    • Health, Responsibility and Taxation With a Fresh Start 

      Calo-Blanco, Aitor (Springer, 2017)
      [Abstract] In a model where individuals differ in both their health care needs and their lifestyle preferences, we examine the fair provision of health care when those who regret their initial decisions are granted a fresh ...