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dc.contributor.authorNogueira Machado Dib, Maria Augustaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationCulture of communication / Communication of culture, 2012: 1337-1348. ISBN: 978-84-9749-522-6es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] The subject of this article is the specificity of Peirce’s Agathotopia and the relevance of his thought for the «actual global crisis». Charles Sanders Peirce preferred to be considered a pragmaticist (CP 5414) and focused on the research of the evolutionary process which leads to the summum bonum where Aesthetics, Ethics and Logics converge into the same purpose, the Wellness (EP 2.27). Locus of Wellness - Agathotopia - term used by James Edward Meade, Nobel Prize award in Economics (1977), has come out in the universe of political economy. It would possibly be a model for the construction of a good society to live in, as an ideal place depicted by Thomas Moore’s Utopia (1516). According to Peirce, the so-called - Agathotopia - different and original, will not be reduced to a specific and ideal geographical place to live as sought by the utopias, and even less a post-death base as the religions postulate. It would be neither a socio-political nor an economic model to promote the collective welfare in the reality of the existential universe. Peirce’s Agathotopia has been proposed in all his scientific metaphysical architecture, in his realistic philosophy and logic of his objective idealism, in his Synechism, into the ongoing semioses between his three categories, and the evolving process of reasonability, a continuous teleological selfcorrective movement toward the evolutionary enhancement. If Peirce believes in a dynamic mental loving action (evolutionary love) that tends to the Admirable, Fair and True Purpose then he might not be proposing just one more utopia in the history of Philosophy, but Agathotopia for the first time. An tópos to the Summum Bonumes_ES
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruñaes_ES
dc.titleThe agathopia of Charles Sanders Peircees_ES

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