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dc.contributor.authorPietarinen, Ahti Veikkoes_ES
dc.identifier.citationCulture of communication / Communication of culture, 2012: 823-828. ISBN: 978-84-9749-522-6es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] Peirce’s semeiotic was all about cognitive studies of the mind. His anthropomorphism states that the study of the structures of the world must go through the study of the structures of the mind shaped by experience. This was labelled much later as? Descriptive taphysics? What is the correct method of such an investigation? Peirce thought that all our knowledge-seeking activities must be conducted in terms of Socratic processes of questions and answers. The mind is a dialogical creatory of signs. Rather than? Putting questions to Nature?, the method of doing philosophy, that is pragmaticism, is therefore? Putting questions to mind? In Peirce’s proof of pragmaticism, the crucial steps characterize abduction in terms of signs that give their objects as conclusive answers to questions. Questions are experiments on various ways of finding solutions in our thoughts. And logic is the theory of the inner nature of habits which cater for those solutionses_ES
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruñaes_ES
dc.titleQuestion-Answer Structures in Cognitiones_ES

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