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dc.contributor.authorModesto, Luiz Sergioes_ES
dc.identifier.citationCulture of communication / Communication of culture, 2012: 613-622. ISBN: 978-84-9749-522-6es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] Culture of the interethnic contrasts of order - Nomogogy in the worldwide communication. This research has for OBJECT the alterity of the ethnos expressions of order in planet, without reducing this ethnic diversity to the European observer's cultural identity (eurocentrism), which without critical distance contaminates the Political Theory with political superposition of his order domination, resulting in a Jurisprudence (Rechtslehre) postulating the inobserved hierarchical «universal principle of Law» (Kant), reified in communication by the Charter of the United Nations - UN (1945). The research has for OBJECTIVE place the Theory of ommunication in syntax with the Nomogogy (Noµwgogia - Nomogogia), to describe the body in its symmetrical and asymmetrical relations of order/accept, objectifying repertoriate the world alterity of the species of action (-agogy) by order (: nómos), open complex of symmetrical actions by autoorder, and of asymmetrical actions by body-body order or hetero-order (mediation order/accept). The (I) symmetrical actions by auto-order imply nómos by example of the alter body pre-rationally mimicked by mirror-neurons of the ego, while the (II) asymmetrical actions by casual order or hetero-order and-or (III) causal order or hetero-order imply oral, gestual or graphical nómos. On such object, the author superposed the semiotics-physics complex method of Semioselogy, including Physics phenomenology (Heisenberg, Bohr, Lao Tzy), Signology (Peirce), and Progmatic Operational Instrument (Modesto), in syntax with Antroposemiotics, Neuroscience and Theory of Cognition (Cognilogy). In WAITED RESULTS of the research, we observed that the sign nómos, stratified diachronically by triadic phenomenological valence among Hellenes, implies (I.) auto-order, (II.1.) casual order or (II.2.) hetero-order, (III.1.) causal order or (III.2.) hetero-order, historically preceding the Latin reduced lex sign of monadic valence (III.2.) causal hetero-order. Starting from this stratification, we mapped the interethnics contrasts of order in worldwide communication, whose distortion by eurocentrism, results noise that restrain the political actions of UN.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruñaes_ES
dc.titleCulture of the interethnic contrasts of Order-Nomogogy in the worlwide communicationes_ES

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