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dc.contributor.authorSrbinovska, Slavicaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationCulture of communication / Communication of culture, 2012: 2101-2110. ISBN: 978-84-9749-522-6es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] The main subject of the research looks at the problems of intercultural dialogue. The most important aspect of this dialogue is the «reading of the Other» through his ethnical, sexual or simply human position, in the same manner in which we understand ourselves. This means that this very research will be about the relations of communication between the different cultural traditions, which coexist in one same community. Sometimes, these kinds of relations can be developed by either interpersonal communication or distancing of the two cultures from each other. The distance usually leads to a type of isolating the people from one same cultural environment and are a reason for confrontation and not a dialogue. The understanding of the dynamics of the cultures depends not on the reconstruction of the past, but on recognition and critique of the past, which is actually present in the contemporary stories. The complexity of the processes of so-called open cultures should be analyzed through the meanings inside the narrative text. We usually ask for the implications that are not pronounced, but are in connection with some passion of freedom. The main goal of the study is to present the deployment of the senses that are conducted to our origin and are open for further processes of changing during the life. It means investigating the understandings of where we come from and how we can find ourselves in the contemporary culture, beginning with the question: «How can we constitute the identity if we use the meanings that come from the past and make our identification in the present?» Is it so free or a very dependant narration from the position of the subject in the cultural context of his living? The analysis is based on the narrativity understood as a constitutive impulse of many different spheres such as narrative literature, poetry, film, theatre, television and as an influential element of the religious and philosophical texts as well. The concept of the narrativity implied the analyzing of the symptoms that are its constitutive features: event, process, time, perception, power, representation, subject, sense or absurd, construction or reconstruction of the history. Our object of analyzing is focused especially on the problems of perception, representation and reception in the sphere of culture that is influenced by presence of different traditions. The study develops specific area of research and rethought of many specific aspects of the mixed cultures, where the problems of integration or isolation are based on living with the others. Specific meanings of the contemporary works, especially autobiographical works are made by the presence of the historical material, the events that constitute our past life and continue to be influent in the present. Are we free to accept the past and to use the memory in presentation ourselves today, or do we have to accept different norms of everyday life?! Are we inside the land of boundaries, are we divided between too many dilemmas that are made by mixed context in which many ideas coming from the past and are active in the present? Autobiographies are recent versions of the presentation of the past and present life and imply to be scrutinized not as a single, but as a complex version of the narrativity.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruñaes_ES
dc.titleCultural dialogue and the pushing of the boundarieses_ES

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