Browsing by Author "Díaz Casás, Vicente"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Application of real-time estimation techniques for stability monitoring of fishing vessels
Santiago Caamaño, Lucía; Míguez González, Marcos; Galeazzi, Roberto; Nielsen, Ulrik Dam; Díaz Casás, Vicente (Springer, 2023-03-29)[Abstract]: This work presents a comparative study of two signal processing methods for the estimation of the roll natural frequency towards the real-time transverse stability monitoring of fishing vessels. The first method ... -
CBM Challenges and Opportunities for O&M of the Johan Sverdrup Oil and Gas Field
Taboada, José V.; Díaz Casás, Vicente; Yu, Xi (Elsevier, 2021-10)[Abstract] Paper describes the challenges and forward developments to face up on Operation and Maintenance (O&M) issues at the Johan Sverdrup field (Blocks: PL 501, PL 265 and PL 502), on the phases (Concept and Design, ... -
Construcción naval e industria 4.0 : guía de aprendizaje
Fernández-Caramés, Tiago M.; Ferreno-González, Sara; Miguez Gonzalez, Marcos; Munín-Doce, Alicia; Díaz Casás, Vicente; Rodríguez, Juan Antonio; Vieites Legarreta, Yanai; Casanova Díaz, Almudena; Santiago Caamaño, Lucía; Alonso García, Laura (2024) -
Construcción naval e industria 4.0. Módulo 3, Construcción naval 4.0
Munín-Doce, Alicia; Míguez González, Marcos; Díaz Casás, Vicente; Ferreno-González, Sara (Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade da Coruña, 2021) -
Digital Twins for Warship Systems: Technologies, Applications and Challenges
Ferreno-González, Sara; Munín-Doce, Alicia; Míguez González, Marcos; Santiago Caamaño, Lucía; Díaz Casás, Vicente (John Wiley & Sons, 2023)[Abstract]: Thanks to the development of new technologies such as the Internet of things, it is possible to consideran in-depth knowledge of the operation of a ship, through its replication in the digital world, both ... -
Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator Resilient, Ship Emissions under Control
Fraguela, Feliciano; Díaz Casás, Vicente; Zaragoza, Sonia; Barreiro Montes, Julio (MDPI, 2024)[Abstract] Maritime transport is the most widely used means of transporting goods, and forecasts indicate that it will continue to grow in the coming years, which is why the IMO is regulating energy efficiency and emissions ... -
Estudo comparativo das “ Blue Careers” na Universidade da Coruña: unha perspectiva de xénero
Santiago Caamaño, Lucía; Díaz Casás, Vicente (Universidade da Coruña, 2019-06)[Resumo]:Tradicionalmente a industria, así como a educación e a formación no ámbito marítimo estiveron marcadas polo predominio masculino. A pesar de que nos últimos anos experimentouse un certo crecemento da participación ... -
Evaluation of Onboard Stability Assessment Techniques Under Real Operational Conditions
Santiago Caamaño, Lucía; Míguez González, Marcos; Allegue García, Sandra; Díaz Casás, Vicente (Elsevier, 2022-08-15)[Abstract] Stability-related accidents and crew lack of training are among the main causes of fatalities in the fishing fleet. Onboard stability guidance systems have been proposed by many authors as a possible solution. ... -
Improving the performance of a stability monitoring system by adding wave encounter frequency estimation
Santiago Caamaño, Lucía; Míguez González, Marcos; Díaz Casás, Vicente (Elsevier, 2022-10)[Abstract]: Onboard guidance systems have emerged to improve the safety of fishing vessels providing the skipper with simplified stability information. In the last years, the authors have developed a stability monitoring ... -
Industrial Internet of Things in the Production Environment of a Shipyard 4.0
Munín-Doce, Alicia; Díaz Casás, Vicente; Trueba, P.; Ferreno-González, Sara; Vilar-Montesinos, Miguel A. (Springer, 2020-05-09)[Abstract] Nowadays, we are already involved in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, known as Industry 4.0. Inside this paradigm, IoT is one of fundamental technologies that allows the integration of physical and virtual ... -
Internet of Things in Energy-Sensitive Processes: Application in a Refrigerated Warehouse
Barreiro Montes, Julio; Zaragoza, Sonia; Díaz Casás, Vicente (IEEE, 2024-05-29)[Abstract]: This article aims to address an existing research gap in the study of the most widely used mathematical procedures in the field of automatic control of energy-sensitive industrial processes. In these types of ... -
Mejora docente e incremento de la visibilidad en la ingeniería naval e industrial a través del uso de instalaciones experimentales
Míguez González, Marcos; Gosset, Anne; Díaz Casás, Vicente; Lema, Marcos; Santiago Caamaño, Lucía (Universidade da Coruña, Cufie, 2020)[Resumen] El Grupo de Innovación Educativa CITEX de la Universidade da Coruña está formado por docentes de las titulaciones relacionadas con la Ingeniería Naval y Oceánica y la Ingeniería Industrial que se imparten en la ... -
On the Application of Artificial Neural Networks for the Real Time Prediction of Parametric Roll Resonance
Míguez González, Marcos; Díaz Casás, Vicente; López Peña, Fernando; Pérez Rojas, Luis (Springer Nature, 2023-03-29)[Abstract]: In this paper, the practical implementation methodology of an artificial neural network (ANN) based parametric roll prediction system, is studied. In order to avoid expensive scale tests, an uncoupled nonlinear ... -
On the feasibility of a real time stability assessment for fishing vessels
Santiago Caamaño, Lucía; Míguez González, Marcos; Díaz Casás, Vicente (Elsevier, 2018-04-24)[Abstract]: Fishing is one of the sectors with the highest number of accidents worldwide. Many of them are related to stability failures and affect mostly small and medium sized fishing vessels. One of the main reasons is ... -
Real Time Vessel Detection Model Using Deep Learning Algorithms for Controlling a Barrier System
Folarin, Abisade; Munín-Doce, Alicia; Ferreno-González, Sara; Ciriano-Palacios, José M.; Díaz Casás, Vicente (MDPI, 2024-08-10)[Abstract]: This study addresses marine pollution caused by debris entering the ocean through rivers. A physical and bubble barrier system has been developed to collect debris, but an effective identification and ... -
Real-time detection of transverse stability changes in shing vessels
Santiago Caamaño, Lucía; Galeazzi, Roberto; Nielsen, Ulrik Dam; Míguez González, Marcos; Díaz Casás, Vicente (Elsevier, 2019-09-25)[Abstract]: Fishing is a very hazardous activity. Stability failures, caused many times by the crew lacking information related to the level of stability of the vessel, are among the most dangerous accidents affecting this ... -
Real-Time Estimation of Natural Roll Frequency for the Stability Guidance of Fishing Vessels
Míguez González, Marcos; Bulian, Gabriele; Santiago Caamaño, Lucía; Allegue García, Sandra; Díaz Casás, Vicente (Springer, 2023-03-29)[Abstract]: Stability failures are known to be one of the major causes of accidents involving fishing vessels. The use of guidance systems, focused on complementing the capabilities of the crews for dealing with the ... -
Reliability and Maintenance Management Analysis on OffShore Wind Turbines (OWTs)
Taboada, José V.; Díaz Casás, Vicente; Yu, Xi (MDPI, 2021)[Abstract] Due to the extreme marine operating environment, the remoteness from the maintenance base, and the expensive specialized accessibility and overhaul equipment needed (e.g., barges, boats, ships, and vessels), ... -
Review of Ship Energy Efficiency
Barreiro Montes, Julio; Zaragoza, Sonia; Díaz Casás, Vicente (Elsevier, 2022-05-31)[Abstract] Energy efficiency has become increasingly relevant in the current economic and environmental situations. This paper aims to create a map of the state of the art of the energy efficiency on the marine sector, ... -
Sobre la automatización del diseño en aplicaciones fluidodinámicas mediante técnicas evolutivas
Díaz Casás, Vicente (2009)[Resumen] En esta tesis se estudia la automatización del proceso de diseño óptimo fluidodinámico combinando el análisis del uso de métodos estocásticos de búsqueda de soluciones, principalmente técnicas evolutivas, con ...