Compacidad de los suelos desarrollados sobre sedimentos Terciario-Cuaternarios en Terra Cha (Lugo)

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Compacidad de los suelos desarrollados sobre sedimentos Terciario-Cuaternarios en Terra Cha (Lugo)Alternative Title(s)
Compacity of soils developed over Tertiary-Quanernary sediments in the Terra Cha area (Lugo)Date
Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe, 1997, 22: 15-28 ISSN: 0213-4497
[Abstract] Using a gamma probe, bulk density has been measured for nine profiles from 20 cm depth to depths ranging from 90 to 15Ocm. The intent ofthis work was to assesss total porosity variability withinand between sites at an area characterized by an abrupt textural change. Bulk density values obtained at both tertiary and quaternary subsoillayers are significantly higher and show less variability between sites and also more repeteability along the time than bulk density values obtained at the surface A and B soil horizons. In addition, Hg intrusion porosimetry demonstrated a decrease of the average pore diameter with depth and thus with age of the soil and sediement materials.
Bulk density
Total porosity
Hg intrusion porosimetry
Gamma probe
Bulk density
Total porosity
Hg intrusion porosimetry
Gamma probe