REV - CLXL - Vol. 22 (1997)
Recent Submissions
Géomorphologue granitique du Massif de l'Andringitra: Sa relation avec l'évolution de l'Île pendant le Cénozoïque
(Universidade da Coruña, 1997)[Abstract] The Andringirra Massif is a srratoide granite on the south of the Isle of Madagascar. Is a residual reliefwhich represents one ofthe last remnants of the Gondwana surface at the island egraded after the break ... -
Geomorphology of the Bushveld Complex
(Universidade da Coruña, 1997)[Abstract] This paper deals wich che differenc relacion becween scruccure and lichology in che geomorphology of che Bushveld Complexo The final resules demonscrace chac, even so differenc scale ofsize, wider for che ... -
Variables de control en la génesis y desarrollo del modelado granítico: análisis de microformas en el macizo de Manzaneda (Galicia, España)
(Universidade da Coruña, 1997)[Abstract] Morphometric analysis results from Manzaneda granitic massif(Galicia, Spain) is displayed. Field observations ofgnammas sample are subject to exploratory and multivariate techniques. Explanation results provide ... -
Evolución neógena de la cuenca baja del Tambre
(Universidade da Coruña, 1997)[Abstract] The present paper srudy the evolution of the lower part of the Tambre Basin duting the Neogene. The basin, the fluvial network and a group of features are analyzed, such as the asymmetry of the net, the ... -
La extremidad occidental de la superficie fundamental de Galicia: La Meseta de Santa Comba
(Universidade da Coruña, 1997)[Abstract] The Plateau ofSanta ir Comba is a very degraded rest ofan old surface (Late-Mesozoic -Paleogene), ofcomplex history. It has a mean altitude of400 m, and it is located in the western part of the Coruñan province. ...