Relación entre textura, pH, materia orgánica y complejo de cambio en el horizonte superior de un suelo sobre serpentinas

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Relación entre textura, pH, materia orgánica y complejo de cambio en el horizonte superior de un suelo sobre serpentinasAlternative Title(s)
Relationships between texture, pH, organic matter and exchange capacity in the top horizon of a soil over serpentlnesDate
Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe, 1997, 22: 5-14 ISSN: 0213-4497
[Abstract] A statistical analysis of texture, pH, organic matter content and CEC in the rop horizon of a soil over serpentine underneath was undertakan. The studied properties showed a considerable variability. Significant correlations were deteeted between organic matter content, day content and CEe. Likewise these three ahead mentioned properties were correlated with exchangeable Ca and Mg. In the exchange complex Mg prevailed over Ca so that the ration Cal Mg was low and was found ro increase as the pH diminished.
General properties
Statistic analysis
Soil over serpentines
Statistic analysis
Soil over serpentines