Mostrando ítems 31-35 de 63

    • Addressing the data bottleneck in medical deep learning models using a human-in-the-loop machine learning approach 

      Mosqueira-Rey, E.; Hernández-Pereira, Elena; Bobes-Bascarán, José; Alonso Ríos, David; Pérez-Sánchez, Alberto; Fernández-Leal, Ángel; Moret-Bonillo, Vicente; Vidal-Ínsua, Yolanda; Vázquez-Rivera, Francisca (Springer Nature, 2023-11)
      [Abstract]: Any machine learning (ML) model is highly dependent on the data it uses for learning, and this is even more important in the case of deep learning models. The problem is a data bottleneck, i.e. the difficulty ...
    • On the Reliability of Machine Learning Models for Survival Analysis When Cure Is a Possibility 

      Ezquerro, Ana; Cancela, Brais; López-Cheda, Ana (MDPI, 2023-10-02)
      [Abstract]: In classical survival analysis, it is assumed that all the individuals will experience the event of interest. However, if there is a proportion of subjects who will never experience the event, then a standard ...
    • On developing an automatic threshold applied to feature selection ensembles 

      Seijo Pardo, Borja; Bolón-Canedo, Verónica; Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo (Elsevier, 2019-01)
      [Abstract]: Feature selection ensemble methods are a recent approach aiming at adding diversity in sets of selected features, improving performance and obtaining more robust and stable results. However, using an ensemble ...
    • Distributed correlation-based feature selection in spark 

      Palma Mendoza, Raúl José; Marcos, Luis de; Rodríguez, Daniel; Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo (Elsevier, 2019-09)
      [Abstract]: Feature selection (FS) is a key preprocessing step in data mining. CFS (Correlation-Based Feature Selection) is an FS algorithm that has been successfully applied to classification problems in many domains. We ...
    • A scalable saliency-based feature selection method with instance-level information 

      Cancela, Brais; Bolón-Canedo, Verónica; Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo; Gama, João (Elsevier, 2019-11)
      [Abstract]: Classic feature selection techniques remove irrelevant or redundant features to achieve a subset of relevant features in compact models that are easier to interpret and so improve knowledge extraction. Most ...