Mostrando ítems 26-30 de 63

    • A systematic approach to API usability: Taxonomy-derived criteria and a case study 

      Mosqueira-Rey, E.; Alonso Ríos, David; Moret-Bonillo, Vicente; Fernández-Varela, Isaac; Álvarez-Estévez, Diego (Elsevier B.V., 2018-05)
      [Abstract]: CONTEXT. The currently existing literature about Application Program Interface (API) usability is heterogeneous in terms of goals, scope, and audience; and its connection to accepted definitions of usability ...
    • Emerging technologies in artificial intelligence: quantum rule-based systems 

      Moret-Bonillo, Vicente (Springer, 2018)
      [Abstract]: This article tries to establish synergies between two areas of research and development that are apparently disconnected: artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing (QC). The article begins with a brief ...
    • A Systematic and Generalizable Approach to the Heuristic Evaluation of User Interfaces 

      Alonso Ríos, David; Mosqueira-Rey, E.; Moret-Bonillo, Vicente (Taylor & Francis, 2018-01-24)
      [Abstract]: Heuristic evaluation is one of the most actively used techniques for analyzing usability, as it is quick and inexpensive. This technique is based on following a given set of heuristics, which are typically ...
    • Revisiting the Wang–Mendel algorithm for fuzzy classification 

      Álvarez-Estévez, Diego; Moret-Bonillo, Vicente (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018-02-06)
      [Abstract]: In this paper, we review the Wang–Mendel algorithm for the induction of fuzzy IF-THEN rules in the context of classification problems. A general fuzzy inference architecture for classification is proposed with ...
    • A Convolutional Network for Sleep Stages Classification 

      Fernández-Varela, Isaac; Hernández-Pereira, Elena; Alvarez-Estevez, Diego; Moret-Bonillo, Vicente (2019-02)
      [Abstract]: Sleep stages classification is a crucial task in the context of sleep studies. It involves the simultaneous analysis of multiple signals recorded during sleep. However, it is complex and tedious, and even the ...