• Cincuenta años de escuela de arquitectura en Galicia. Retos de futuro 

      Lizancos, Plácido (Crítica urbana, 2024-03-20)
      [Resumen] Un 20 de septiembre de 1973 se daba noticia de la creación de una escuela de arquitectura en A Coruña. Era la séptima de España y se situaba en Galicia, un área territorial que en aquel momento estaba a la cola ...
    • Cinderella Elements: Strategies to Increase the Stability of Group 1 Complexes by Tailoring Crown Macrocycles 

      Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Aurora; Carreira-Barral, Israel; Esteban-Gómez, David; Platas-Iglesias, Carlos; Blas, Andrés de; Rodríguez-Blas, Teresa (Elsevier, 2014-06-01)
      [Abstract] The synthesis and structural characterization of six sodium complexes with bibracchial lariatethers containing aniline or benzimidazole side arms, and derived from 1,7 diaza-12-crown-4, 1,10-diaza-15-crown-5 or ...
    • El cine como embajador de la diversidad cultural europea. Análisis de los largometrajes ganadores del LUX Prize 

      Díaz-González, María-Jesús; González del Valle-Brena, Almudena (Universidad de Salamanca, 2022)
      [Resumen]: El Parlamento Europeo creó el LUX Prize en el año 2007, con la finalidad de fomentar la distribución de largometrajes europeos y alcanzar así el fortalecimiento de la identidad europea a través del cine. Las ...
    • Cine, cine, cine 

      Pérez Pascual, José Ignacio (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2023)
      [Resumen] Durante la denominada Edad de Plata se produce una gran transformación del léxico español, que acoge durante ese período un ingente número de neologismos o confiere nuevas acepciones a voces que ya formaban parte ...
    • Cinemática y cinética del pie y su relación con el rendimiento y las lesiones en atletas de resistencia 

      Mosqueira Ouréns, Manuel (2014)
      [Resumen] INTRODUCClON. El análisis de la trayectoria de centro de presión de pie (CPP) juega un papel fundamental en el establecimiento de patrones biomecállicos( 1). Aunque la biomecflllica de caminar y correr fueron ...
    • Circuit class training in water versus land in post-stroke patients: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial 

      Pegito, Irene; Lambeck, Johan; Torres-Parada, Manuel; Vivas-Costa, Jamile; García Vivas Miranda, José (Bahiana Journals, 2018)
      [Abstract] INTRODUCTION: A high percentage of poststroke patients have permanent aftermaths despite conventional rehabilitation. Circuit class training offers an efficient way to achieve structured practice of task-related ...
    • Circular Economy in Territorial Planning Strategy: Incorporation in Cluster Activities and Economic Zones 

      Gura, Kriselda Sulcaj; Nica, Elvira; Kliestik, Tomas; Puime Guillén, Félix (Elsevier, 2023)
      [Abstract]: Planning is a form of interaction between social, economic, environmental, political, organizational, and institutional elements that undergo different processes. Planning is influenced by sets and subsets of ...
    • Circular Economy of Expanded Polystyrene Container Production: Environmental Benefits of Household Waste Recycling Considering Renewable Energies 

      Hidalgo, José; Moreira, César; Jervis, Freddy; Soto, Manuel; Amaya-Rivas, J. L.; Banguera, Leonardo (Elsevier, 2022-02-02)
      [Abstract] Plastic industry is ubiquitous worldwide, and the generation of “plastic waste” has been steadily increasing to the point of being considered a high impact pollutant. The expanded polystyrene (EPS) plastic ...
    • Circularly Polarized Arrays of Sequentially Crossed Dipoles 

      Brégains, Julio (Genxcellence Software Pvt. Ltd., 2013-11)
      [Abstract] Usual configurations of dipoles that radiate circularly polarized fields consist of elements arranged in crossed pairs, with one component of each pair in top of the other component. As an alternative to this, ...
    • Circulating angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activity in patients with chronic kidney disease without previous history of cardiovascular disease 

      Anguiano, Lidia; Riera, Marta; Pascual, Julio; Valdivielso, José Manuel; Barrios, Clara; Betriu, Angels; Mojal, Sergi; Fernández, Elvira; Soler, María José; Pérez-Fontán, Miguel (Oxford, 2015-03-26)
      [Abstract] Background. Patients with cardiovascular (CV) disease have an increased circulating angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) activity, but there is little information about changes in ACE2 in chronic kidney disease ...
    • Circulating Galectin-3 Following Heart Transplant: Long-term Dynamics and Prognostic Value 

      Suárez-Fuentetaja, Natalia; Barge-Caballero, Eduardo; Bayés-Genís, Antoni; Doménech, Nieves; Moreda-Santamaría, Lucía; Paniagua-Martín, María J.; Barge-Caballero, Gonzalo; Couto-Mallón, David; Solla-Buceta, Miguel; Estévez-Cid, Francisco; Cuenca-Castillo, José J.; Pombo-Otero, Jorge; Grille-Cancela, Zulaika; Blanco-Canosa, Paula; Muñiz, Javier; Vázquez-Rodríguez, José Manuel; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa (Elsevier, 2018-11-23)
      [Abstract] Introduction and objectives: Circulating galectin-3 (Gal-3) is elevated and significantly correlates with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with heart failure. However, the relationship between ...
    • Circulating levels of GDF15, MMP7 and miR-200c as a poor prognostic signature in gastric cancer 

      Blanco, Moisés; Tarrío, Nuria; Reboredo, Margarita; Haz, Mar; García, Jorge; Quindós-Varela, María; Figueroa, Angélica; Antón-Aparicio, Luis M.; Calvo, Lourdes; Valladares-Ayerbes, Manuel (Future Science, 2014-06-20)
      [Abstract] Aim: To analyze GDF15 and MMP7 serum levels as diagnostic biomarkers in gastric cancer (GC) patients. The prognostic value of GDF15 and MMP7 serum levels in combination with miR-200c blood expression was also ...
    • Circulating levels of irisin in hypopituitary and normal subjects 

      Pena-Bello, Lara; Pértega-Díaz, Sonia; Sangiao-Alvarellos, Susana; Outeiriño-Blanco, Elena; Eiras-Leal, Raquel; Varela-Rodríguez, Bárbara María; Juiz-Valiña, Paula; Pérez-Fontán, Miguel; Cordido, María; Cordido, Fernando (PLoS ONE, 2016-07-29)
      [Abstract] Context. The recently identified myokine irisin conveys some of the benefits of exercise. Hypopituitarism with adult growth hormone deficiency (HP) is a situation characterized by decreased GH secretion and an ...
    • Circulating microRNAs: molecular microsensors in gastrointestinal cancer 

      Blanco, Moisés; Calvo, Lourdes; Figueroa, Angélica; Haz, Mar; Antón-Aparicio, Luis M.; Valladares-Ayerbes, Manuel (MPDI, 2012-07-09)
      [Abstract] MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small molecules of single strand non-coding RNAs, which are able to regulate gene expression. miRNAs have been involved in multiple cellular processes, such as proliferation, apoptosis and ...
    • Circulating miR-181a-5p as a New Biomarker for Acute Cellular Rejection in Heart Transplantation 

      Constanso-Conde, Ignacio; Hermida-Prieto, Manuel; Barge-Caballero, Eduardo; Núñez, Lucía; Pombo-Otero, Jorge; Suárez-Fuentetaja, Natalia; Paniagua-Martín, María J.; Barge-Caballero, Gonzalo; Couto-Mallón, David; Pan Lizcano, Ricardo Francisco; Vázquez Rodríguez, José Manuel; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa (Elsevier, 2020-06-07)
      [Abstract] Background: Acute cellular rejection (ACR) is a major complication in heart transplantation (HTx). Endomyocardial biopsy is the reference method for early detection of ACR, but a new non-invasive approach is ...
    • Circulating miR-200c and miR-141 and outcomes in patients with breast cancer 

      Antolín, Silvia; Calvo, Lourdes; Blanco, Moisés; Paz Santiago, María; Lorenzo-Patiño, María J.; Haz, Mar; Santamarina, Isabel; Figueroa, Angélica; Antón-Aparicio, Luis M.; Valladares-Ayerbes, Manuel (BioMed Central, 2015)
      [Abstract] Background. The deregulation of microRNAs in both tumours and blood has led to the search for microRNAs to indicate the presence of cancer and predict prognosis. We hypothesize the deregulation of miR-200c/miR-141 ...
    • Circulating miR-200c as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for gastric cancer 

      Valladares-Ayerbes, Manuel; Reboredo, Margarita; Medina Villaamil, Vanessa; Iglesias-Díaz, Pilar; Lorenzo-Patiño, María J.; Haz, Mar; Santamarina, Isabel; Blanco, Moisés; Fernández-Tajes, Juan; Quindós-Varela, María; Carral, Alberto; Figueroa, Angélica; Antón-Aparicio, Luis M.; Calvo, Lourdes (BioMed Central, 2012-09-06)
      [Abstract] Background. MicroRNAs are aberrantly expressed and correlate with tumourigenesis and the progression of solid tumours. The miR-200 family determines the epithelial phenotype of cancer cells and regulates ...
    • Cisgenerismo, homofobia y transfobia: la escuela como espacio de reproducción de discursos discriminatorios 

      Amigo Ventureira, Ana María (2020)
      [Resumo] As persoas do colectivo LGBT+ víronse historicamente discriminadas por un sistema heteronormativo que non concibe ningunha opción que se salga dos límites establecidos. Esta exclusión social vólvese particularmente ...
    • Citizens' Climate Responsibility and Human Values in the European Union 

      Bruna, Fernando (Instituto de Estudios e Investigación Psicosocial “Xoan Vicente Viqueira”, 2023)
      [Abstract] Using data from the European Social Survey for 17 countries in the European Union, we estimate models to predict personal responsibility to fight climate change and willingness to pay taxes on fossil fuels. This ...
    • La ciudad de Barcelona en el sistema hospitalario catalán (1886-1986): una nota de investigación 

      Vilar Rodríguez, Margarita; Pons Pons, Jerònia (MUHBA, 2023)