• Asociacionismo inmigrante en Galicia. Demandas desde la precariedad 

      Fernández-Suárez, Belén; Verdía Varela, Verónica; DePalma, Renée (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2018)
      [Resumen]: La llegada de inmigración extranjera a Galicia sin lazos con la emigración gallega y por causas económicas a comienzos del siglo xxi provocó el asentamiento de comunidades migrantes de forma estable. Uno de los ...
    • Doing Family: Nicaraguan Transnational Families’ Narratives on Motherhood 

      DePalma, Renée; Pérez-Caramés, Antía; Verdía Varela, Verónica (2022)
      [Abstract] This article explores transnational motherhood from the perspective of Nicaraguan migrant workers in Spain and Nicaraguan family members caring for migrant women's children. Our sample included families with ...
    • What is Integration? A Comparative View from Immigrants and Municipal Policy 

      Verdía Varela, Verónica; Fernández-Suárez, Belén; DePalma, Renée (Wiley, 2020-02-11)
      [Abstract] The ongoing project of citizenship construction in societies receiving international immigration demands a perspective that takes into account the interests, views and needs of all socio-demographic groups, ...