• Componentes del rendimiento en gimnasia rítmica individual 

      Sierra Palmeiro, Elena; Freire-Maceiras, Rebeca; Fernández Villarino, María de los Ángeles (Federación Española de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF), 2023-06-28)
      [Resumen] : La Gimnasia Rítmica es un deporte en el que el rendimiento en la competición se rige por criterios especificados en el código de puntuación y depende de cuatro componentes: dificultad corporal, dificultad de ...
    • Efectos de un programa de yoga en el rendimiento en gimnasia ritmica: Un estudio de casos 

      Sierra Palmeiro, Elena; Fernández Villarino, María de los Ángeles; Freire-Maceiras, Rebeca (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2023)
      [Resumen]: La Gimnasia Rítmica es un deporte que exige habilidades motoras dealto nivel de dificultad y una perfecta ejecución. El yoga es considerado como una terapia de cuerpo y mente que para muchos investigadores ...
    • Overweight in schoolchildren and association with physical activity and parental habits 

      Sierra Palmeiro, Elena; González Valeiro, Miguel; Fernández Villarino, María de los Ángeles (Sociedade brasileira de medicina do esporte, 2019-07)
      [Abstract]: Excess weight in childhood and adolescence is an important health problem that tends to persist in adulthood. Among the causes of this increase there appears to be a consensus on emphasizing physical activity ...
    • Parental assessment of physical education in the school curriculum: A brief report on the influence of past experiences as students 

      Lago-Ballesteros, Joaquín; Martins, João; González Valeiro, Miguel; Fernández Villarino, María de los Ángeles (Conor Gilligan, University of Newcastle, 2019-07-10)
      [Abstract]: The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between parents’ past experience as Physical Education (PE) students and the importance they give to PE within the school curriculum. Parents of 1834 teenagers ...
    • Performance indicators in individual rhythmic gymnastics: Correlations in competition 

      Bobo-Arce, Marta; Fernández Villarino, María de los Ángeles; Hernaiz-Sánchez, Ariadna; Sierra Palmeiro, Elena (Universidad de Alicante, 2018)
      [Abstract]: The aim of this study was to identify the training variables that can determine the score in elite rhythmic gymnasts. Seven female rhythmic gymnasts participated in the study (age 15.7 ± 1.2). Performance data ...
    • Relations between health perception and physical self-concept in adolescents 

      Toja, María Belén; Cantero Castrillo, Pedro; Fernández Villarino, María de los Ángeles; González Valeiro, Miguel (Daniel Almeida Marinho, 2020-12-31)
      [Abstract]: Background: Self-rated health is influenced by personal characteristics, such as gender and age. Similarly, it seems that physical self-concept can influence this perception, being positively related to healthy ...