Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Development and validation of a machine learning-supported strategy of patient selection for osteoarthritis clinical trials: the IMI-APPROACH study 

      Widera, Pawel; Welsing, Paco M.J.; Danso, Samuel O.; Peelen, Sjaak; Kloppenburg, Margreet; Loef, Marieke; Marijnissen, Anne C.; van Helvoort, Eefje M.; Blanco García, Francico J; Magalhaes, Joana; Berenbaum, Francis; Haugen, Ida K.; Bay-Jensen, Anne-C.; Mobasheri, Ali; Ladel, Christoph; Loughlin, John; Lafeber, Floris P.J.G.; Lalande, Agnes; Larkin, Jonathan; Weinans, Harrie; Bacardit, Jaume (Elsevier, 2023-12)
      [Abstract] Objectives. To efficiently assess the disease-modifying potential of new osteoarthritis treatments, clinical trials need progression-enriched patient populations. To assess whether the application of machine ...