Crítica da idea de desenvolvemento sostible como proposta pedagóxica

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Crítica da idea de desenvolvemento sostible como proposta pedagóxicaAlternative Title(s)
Criticism of the idea of sustainable development as a pedagogical proposalAuthor(s)
Ambientalmente Sustentable, 2016, 22: 7-20. ISSN: 1887-2417
[Resumo] A contribución da Universidade, e demais instancias educativas formais, para a creación dunha cidadanía global en torno aos Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sostible pasa necesariamente por dar cabida ás formulacións críticas que intentan enfrontar as contrariedades que destes plans derívanse. Pola contra, a desatención cara a este tipo de discursos, como veremos, dificulta a posibilidade de ofrecer alternativas para tratar de corrixir as crecentes situacións inxustas (e desestabilizadoras) no sociopolítico e potencialmente catastróficas no ecolóxico, debido, en boa medida á perda do sentido propio da idea de desenvolvemento sostenible que aquí pretendemos recuperar. [Abstract] The contribution of the University, and other formal educational instances, to the creation of a global citizenship around the Objectives of Sustainable Development necessarily passes to accommodate the critical approaches that try to face the setbacks that are derived of these plans. In contrast, inattention to such discourses, as we will see, makes it difficult to offer alternatives to try to correct the growing unfair (and destabilizing) situations in the socio-political and potentially catastrophic ecological, because of, among other reasons, the loss of the original sense of the idea of sustainable development that here we intend to recover
Crecemento económico
Deterioro ambiental
Educación ambiental
Desenvolvemento sostible
Economic growth
Environmental deterioration
Environmental education
Sustainable development
Deterioro ambiental
Educación ambiental
Desenvolvemento sostible
Economic growth
Environmental deterioration
Environmental education
Sustainable development
Atribución-CompartirIgual 3.0 España