• Hybrid Intelligence Strategies for Identifying, Classifying and Analyzing Political Bots 

      García Orosa, Berta; Gamallo, Pablo; Martín-Rodilla, Patricia; Martínez-Castaño, Rodrigo (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] Political bots, through astroturfing and other strategies, have become important players in recent elections in several countries. This study aims to provide researchers and the citizenry with the necessary ...
    • Experimental Analysis of the Relevance of Features and Effects on Gender Classification Models for Social Media Author Profiling 

      Piot, Paloma; Martín-Rodilla, Patricia; Parapar, Javier (SCITEPRESS, 2021)
      [Abstract] Automatic user profiling from social networks has become a popular task due to its commercial applications (targeted advertising, market studies...). Automatic profiling models infer demographic characteristics of ...
    • Building Cultural Heritage Reference Collections from Social Media through Pooling Strategies: The Case of 2020’s Tensions Over Race and Heritage 

      Otero, David; Martín-Rodilla, Patricia; Parapar, Javier (2021)
      [Abstract] Social networks constitute a valuable source for documenting heritage constitution processes or obtaining a real-time snapshot of a cultural heritage research topic. Many heritage researchers use social networks ...
    • Machine learning predicts 3D printing performance of over 900 drug delivery systems 

      Muñiz, Brais; Elbadawi, Moe; Ong, Jun Jie; Pollard, Thomas; Song, Zhe; Gaisford, Simon; Pérez, Gilberto; Basit, Abdul W; Cabalar, Pedro; Goyanes, Álvaro (Elsevier B.V., 2021-09)
      [Abstract]: Three-dimensional printing (3DP) is a transformative technology that is advancing pharmaceutical research by producing personalized drug products. However, advances made via 3DP have been slow due to the lengthy ...
    • Automatic depression score estimation with word embedding models 

      Pérez, Anxo; Parapar, Javier; Barreiro, Álvaro (Elsevier, 2022)
      [Abstract]: Depression is one of the most common mental health illnesses. The biggest obstacle lies in an efficient and early detection of the disorder. Self-report questionnaires are the instruments used by medical experts ...
    • Evolving Cellular Automata Schemes for Protein Folding Modeling Using the Rosetta Atomic Representation 

      Varela, Daniel; Santos Reyes, José (Springer, 2022)
      [Abstract] Protein folding is the dynamic process by which a protein folds into its final native structure. This is different to the traditional problem of the prediction of the final protein structure, since it requires ...
    • A Polynomial Reduction of Forks Into Logic Programs 

      Aguado, Felicidad; Cabalar, Pedro; Fandiño, Jorge; Pearce, David; Pérez, Gilberto; Vidal, Concepción (Elsevier, 2022)
      [Abstract] In this research note we present additional results for an earlier published paper [1]. There, we studied the problem of projective strong equivalence (PSE) of logic programs, that is, checking whether two logic ...
    • Accelerating 3D printing of pharmaceutical products using machine learning 

      Ong, Jun Jie; Muñiz, Brais; Gaisford, Simon; Cabalar, Pedro; Basit, Abdul W; Pérez, Gilberto; Goyanes, Álvaro (Elsevier, 2022)
      [Abstract] Three-dimensional printing (3DP) has seen growing interest within the healthcare industry for its ability to fabricate personalized medicines and medical devices. However, it may be burdened by the lengthy ...
    • Comparing the Reasoning Capabilities of Equilibrium Theories and Answer Set Programs 

      Fandiño, Jorge; Pearce, David; Vidal, Concepción; Woltran, Stefan (MDPI, 2022)
      [Abstract] Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well established logical approach in artificial intelligence that is widely used for knowledge representation and problem solving. Equilibrium logic extends answer set semantics ...
    • Plugin for automatisation of phonetic-phonological analysis and obtaining analytical feedback for Spanish learners 

      Couto-Fernández, Tamara; Sarymsakova, Albina; Condori Fernández, Nelly; Martín-Rodilla, Patricia (CEUR-WS.org, 2022)
      [Abstract] We present in this article the Plugin for phonetic-phonological analysis in Spanish (PAFe), which consists of a series of scripts (a code written with a programming language (Python) that, implement three ...
    • Niching methods integrated with a differential evolution memetic algorithm for protein structure prediction 

      Varela, Daniel; Santos Reyes, José (Elsevier, 2022-06)
      [Abstract]: A memetic version between an evolutionary algorithm (differential evolution) and the local search provided by protein fragment replacements was defined for protein structure prediction. In this problem, it is ...
    • Predicting pharmaceutical inkjet printing outcomes using machine learning 

      Carou-Senra, Paola; Ong, Jun Jie; Muñiz, Brais; Seoane-Viaño, Iria; Rodríguez-Pombo, Lucía; Cabalar, Pedro; Álvarez-Lorenzo, Carmen; Basit, Abdul W; Pérez, Gilberto; Goyanes, Álvaro (Elsevier B.V., 2023)
      [Abstract]: Inkjet printing has been extensively explored in recent years to produce personalised medicines due to its low cost and versatility. Pharmaceutical applications have ranged from orodispersible films to complex ...
    • Linear-Time Temporal Answer Set Programming 

      Aguado, Felicidad; Cabalar, Pedro; Diéguez Lodeiro, Martín; Pérez, Gilberto; Schaub, Torsten; Schuhmann, Anna; Vidal, Concepción (Cambridge University Press, 2023)
      [Abstract]: In this survey, we present an overview on (Modal) Temporal Logic Programming in view of its application to Knowledge Representation and Declarative Problem Solving. The syntax of this extension of logic programs ...
    • Metric dynamic equilibrium logic 

      Becker, Arvid; Cabalar, Pedro; Diéguez Lodeiro, Martín; Farinas del Cerro, Luis; Schaub, Torsten; Schuhmann, Anna (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2023)
      [Abstract]: In temporal extensions of Answer Set Programming (ASP) based on linear-time, the behaviour of dynamic systems is captured by sequences of states. While this representation reflects their relative order, it ...
    • On the semantics of hybrid ASP systems based on Clingo 

      Cabalar, Pedro; Fandinno, Jorge; Schaub, Torsten; Wanko, Philipp (MDPI, 2023-03)
      [Abstract]: Over the last decades, the development of Answer Set Programming (ASP) has brought about an expressive modeling language powered by highly performant systems. At the same time, it gets more and more difficult ...
    • Keyword Embeddings for Query Suggestion 

      Gabín, Jorge; Ares, M. Eduardo; Parapar, Javier (Springer, Cham, 2023-04)
      [Abstract]: Nowadays, search engine users commonly rely on query suggestions to improve their initial inputs. Current systems are very good at recommending lexical adaptations or spelling corrections to users’ queries. ...
    • How Discriminative Are Your Qrels? How To Study the Statistical Significance of Document Adjudication Methods 

      Otero, David David; Parapar, Javier; Ferro, Nicola (Association for Computing Machinery, 2023-10)
      [Abstract]: Creating test collections for offline retrieval evaluation requires human effort to judge documents' relevance. This expensive activity motivated much work in developing methods for constructing benchmarks with ...
    • Computational approaches to Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Advances in theory, applications and trends 

      Górriz, Juan M.; Álvarez-Illán, I.; Álvarez-Marquina, Agustín; Arco, Juan Eloy; Atzmueller, Martin; Ballarini, F.; Barakova, Emilia; Bologna, Guido; Duro, Richard J. Richard J. xxx; Santos Reyes, José (Elsevier, 2023-12)
      [Abstract]: Deep Learning (DL), a groundbreaking branch of Machine Learning (ML), has emerged as a driving force in both theoretical and applied Artificial Intelligence (AI). DL algorithms, rooted in complex and non-linear ...
    • Protein structure prediction with energy minimization and deep learning approaches 

      Filgueiras Rilo, Juan Luis; Varela, Daniel; Santos Reyes, José (Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2023-12)
      [Abstract]: In this paper we discuss the advantages and problems of two alternatives for ab initio protein structure prediction. On one hand, recent approaches based on deep learning, which have significantly improved ...
    • Overview of eRisk 2024: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet (Extended Overview) 

      Parapar, Javier; Martín-Rodilla, Patricia; Losada, David E.; Crestani, Fabio (CEUR-WS, 2024)
      [Abstract]: This paper presents eRisk 2024, the eighth edition of the CLEF conference’s lab dedicated to early risk detection. Since its inception, the lab has been at the forefront of developing and refining evaluation ...