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dc.contributor.authorArbor Aldea, Mariña
dc.identifier.citationRevista Galega de Filoloxía, 2017, 18: 11-47, ISSN: 2444-9121
dc.description.abstract[Resumo] Este artigo constitúe unha revisión histórica e crítica do labor ecdótico realizado no ámbito da lírica profana galego-portuguesa desde a década de 1960, momento en que a denominada “escola italiana” comeza os seus traballos. O estudo contempla as edicións preparadas polas denominadas escolas “pisana”, “barese” e “romana”, ademais de por diversos investigadores independentes en Italia, para despois analizar os traballos preparados no Brasil e para centrarse, finalmente, na Península Ibérica, que se converte, con Galicia á cabeza, e a partir da década dos ’80, no baricentro da actividade editorial en materia de lírica profana galego-portuguesa
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] This article constitutes a historical and critical review of the ecdotic work carried out in the field of Galician-Portuguese secular lyric poetry since the 1960s, the period in which the so-called “Italian school” began its activity. The author reviews the critical editions produced by the “Pisan”, the “Barese” and the “Roman” philological schools, as well as those carried out by several independent researchers in Italy, and then procedes to analyze the works carried out in Brazil and finally to focus on the Iberian Peninsula, which in the ’80s takes the lead, with Galicia in the foremost position, in the editorial activity on the matter of the medieval Galician-Portuguese lyric
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruña
dc.subjectEdición crítica
dc.subjectLírica profana galego-portuguesa
dc.subjectCritical edition
dc.subjectGalician-Portuguese secular lyric poetry
dc.titleEdición e edicións: a propósito de crítica textual e lírica medieval (profana) galego-portuguesa (II)
dc.title.alternativeEditions and editorial technique: on the subject of textual criticism and medieval (secular) Galician-Portuguese lyric (II)
UDC.journalTitleRevista Galega de Filoloxía

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