• Autoestima, metas de logro y estrategias de autoprotección: un enfoque centrado en la persona 

      Ferradás, María del Mar; Freire, Carlos; Regueiro, Bibiana; Vieites, Tania; Rodríguez-Llorente, Carolina (2021)
      [Resumo] Self-handicapping e pessimismo defensivo são estratégias frequentemente usadas ​​por alunos que buscam proteger seus sentimentos de valor pessoal. Numerosos estudos demonstraram que a autoestima e as metas de ...
    • Cantidad y calidad del tiempo dedicado a los deberes escolares en alumnado de Educación Secundaria: un análisis de perfiles latentes 

      Estévez, Iris; Vieites, Tania; Regueiro, Bibiana; Rodríguez-Llorente, Carolina; Morado, Tamara (Asociacion Interuniversitaria de Investigacion Pedagógica (AIDIPE), 2023)
      [Resumen] El principal propósito de este estudio es identificar distintos perfiles de alumnado, definidos en base al tiempo diario que dedican a realizar los deberes escolares y a la gestión que hacen de ese tiempo. Se ...
    • Comportamiento materno percibido y orientación a metas de los hijos/as 

      Martins, Ludmila; Regueiro, Bibiana; Vieites, Tania; Rodríguez-Llorente, Carolina; Roldán, Lucía (2021)
      [Resumen] Introducción. La orientación a metas de los estudiantes puede estar influenciada, entre otros factores, por los comportamientos que componen los estilos educativos de los padres y las madres. De acuerdo con ...
    • Condicionantes sociodemográficos de la actividad sexual en la vejez 

      Piñeiro, Isabel; Rodríguez, Susana; Estévez, Iris; Vieites, Tania; Ullauri Carrión, Marcia (Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos de España, 2021)
      [Resumen] Las personas mayores siguen manteniendo actividad sexual a pesar de las barreras relativas a la salud y otros aspectos sociales que podrían limitarla o alterarla. La investigación ha constatado que variables ...
    • COVID-19 Lockdown: Key Factors in Citizens’ Stress 

      Rodríguez, Susana; Valle, Antonio; Piñeiro, Isabel; González-Suárez, Rocío; Díaz-Freire, Fátima M.; Vieites, Tania (2021)
      [Abstract] Background: Confinement due to COVID-19 can have a short‐ and long-term impact on mental health (increased levels of stress and anxiety and emotional upheaval) and on people’s quality of life. Knowing what factors ...
    • Effects of a homework implementation method (MITCA) on school engagement 

      Vieites, Tania; Díaz-Freire, Fátima M.; Rodríguez, Susana; Rodríguez-Llorente, Carolina; Valle, Antonio (Springer, 2023-09-14)
      [Abstract] MITCA (homework implementation method) was born with the purpose of turning homework into an educational resource capable of improving the self-regulation of learning and the school engagement of students. In ...
    • Effects of a homework implementation method (MITCA) on self-regulation of learning 

      Vieites, Tania; Gonida, Eleftheria N.; Díaz-Freire, Fátima M.; Rodríguez, Susana; Valle, Antonio (Springer, 2024-02-16)
      [Abstract] The MITCA method (Homework Implementation Method) was developed with the purpose of turning homework into an educational resource capable of improving students’ self-regulated learning and school engagement. In ...
    • Perceived Competence and Intrinsic Motivation in Mathematics: Exploring Latent Profiles 

      Rodríguez, Susana; Estévez, Iris; Piñeiro, Isabel; Valle, Antonio; Vieites, Tania; Regueiro, Bibiana (2021)
      [Abstract] This study aims to use a person-centred approach to identify possible student motivational profiles in mathematics. These profiles are made up of various combinations of two motivational variables: perceived ...
    • Self-Regulation and Students Well-Being: A Systematic Review 2010–2020 

      Rodríguez, Susana; González-Suárez, Rocío; Vieites, Tania; Piñeiro, Isabel; Díaz-Freire, Fátima M. (2022)
      [Abstract] In recent years, there has been particular interest in studying the relationship between student self-regulation and variables such as students’ well-being, satisfaction, and school engagement. Although in other ...
    • Success in Mathematics and Academic Wellbeing in Primary-School Students 

      Rodríguez, Susana; Regueiro, Bibiana; Piñeiro, Isabel; Valle, Antonio; Sánchez, Benigno; Vieites, Tania; Rodríguez-Llorente, Carolina (2020)
      [Abstract] The main aim of this study was to analyse possible differences in academic wellbeing on the basis of prior academic achievement in mathematics. We conceptualised wellbeing as a multidimensional construct covering ...