• Kalman filters based on multibody models: linking simulation and real world. A comprehensive review 

      Naya, Miguel A.; Sanjurjo, Emilio; Rodríguez, Antonio J.; Cuadrado, Javier (Springer, 2023-03-20)
      [Abstract] The Kalman filter algorithm estimates variables of linear systems combining information from real sensors and a mathematical model of the system. It may be applied to observe nonlinear systems by means of a ...
    • Kinematic Modelling and State Estimation of Exploration Rovers 

      Lou, Qingfeng; González Varela, Francisco Javier; Kövecses, József (2019-04)
      [Abstract] State estimation is crucial for exploration rovers. It provides the pose and velocity of the rover by processing measurements from onboard sensors. Classical wheel odometry only employs encoder measurements of ...
    • Load assessment and analysis of impacts in multibody systems 

      González Varela, Francisco Javier; Kövecses, József; Font-Llagunes, Josep M. (2016-09)
      [Abstract] The evaluation of contact forces during an impact requires the use of continuous force based methods. An accurate prediction of the impact force demands the identification of the contact parameters on a case-by-case ...
    • Lower Back Injury Prevention and Sensitization of Hip Hinge with Neutral Spine Using Wearable Sensors during Lifting Exercises 

      Michaud, Florian; Pérez Soto, Manuel; Lugrís-Armesto, Urbano; Cuadrado, Javier (MDPI, 2021-08)
      [Abstract] The popularization and industrialization of fitness over the past decade, with the rise of big box gyms and group classes, has reduced the quality of the basic formation and assessment of practitioners, which ...
    • Mobility Evaluation of Wheeled Robots on Soft Terrain: Effect of Internal Force Distribution 

      Ghotbi, Bahareh; González Varela, Francisco Javier; Kövecses, József; Angeles, Jorge (2016-06)
      [Abstract] Many applications of wheeled robots include operations in unstructured environments. Optimizing vehicle mobility is of key importance in these cases. Reduced mobility can limit the ability of the robot to achieve ...
    • Model-based coupling for co-simulation of robotic contact tasks 

      Peiret, Albert; González Varela, Francisco Javier; Kövecses, József; Teichmann, Marek; Enzenhoefer, Andreas (IEEE, 2020-10)
      [Abstract] Co-simulation of complex robotic systems allows the different components to be modelled and simulated independently using methods and tools tailored to their nature and time-scale, which makes the implementation ...
    • Multibody system dynamics interface modelling for stable multirate co-simulation of multiphysics systems 

      Peiret, Albert; González Varela, Francisco Javier; Kövecses, József; Teichmann, Marek (Elsevier, 2018-09)
      [Abstract] Many industrial applications benefit from predictive computer simulation to reduce costs and time, and shorten product development cycle. Computational multibody system dynamics formalisms and software tools ...
    • Multibody-Based Input and State Observers Using Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter 

      Rodríguez, Antonio J.; Sanjurjo, Emilio; Pastorino, Roland; Naya, Miguel A. (MDPI, 2021-08)
      [Abstract] The aim of this work is to explore the suitability of adaptive methods for state estimators based on multibody dynamics, which present severe non-linearities. The performance of a Kalman filter relies on the ...
    • Non-intrusive parallelization of multibody system dynamic simulations 

      González Varela, Francisco Javier; Lugrís-Armesto, Urbano; Luaces, Alberto; González Castro, Manuel Jesús (Springer, 2009)
      [Abstract] This paper evaluates two non-intrusive parallelization techniques for multibody system dynamics: parallel sparse linear equation solvers and OpenMP. Both techniques can be applied to existing simulation software ...
    • Numerical and experimental investigation on the synthesis of extended Kalman filters for cable-driven parallel robots modeled through DAEs 

      Bettega, Jason; Boschetti, Giovanni; Rodríguez Frade, Borja; González Varela, Francisco Javier; Piva, Giulio; Richiedei, Dario; Trevisani, Alberto (2023-10-09)
      [Abstract] Cable-driven parallel robots are parallel robots where light-weight cables replace rigid bodies to move an end-effector. Their peculiar design allows obtaining large workspaces, high dynamic handlings, ease of ...
    • On the Cosimulation of Multibody Systems and Hydraulic Dynamics 

      Rahikainen, Jarkko; González Varela, Francisco Javier; Naya, Miguel A.; Sopanen, Jussi (Springer, 2020-02)
      [Abstract] The simulation of mechanical devices using multibody system dynamics (MBS) algorithms frequently requires the consideration of their interaction with components of a different physical nature, such as electronics, ...
    • On the effect of linear algebra implementations in real-time multibody system dynamics 

      González Varela, Francisco Javier; Dopico, Daniel; González Castro, Manuel Jesús; Luaces, Alberto (Springer, 2007)
      [Abstract] This paper compares the efficiency of multibody system (MBS) dynamic simulation codes that rely on different implementations of linear algebra operations. The dynamics of an N-loop four-bar mechanism has been ...
    • On the Effect of Multirate Co-simulation Techniques in the Efficiency and Accuracy of Multibody System Dynamics 

      González Varela, Francisco Javier; Naya, Miguel A.; González Castro, Manuel Jesús; Luaces, Alberto (Springer, 2010)
      [Abstract] Dynamic simulation of complex mechatronic systems can be carried out in an efficient and modular way making use of weakly coupled co-simulation setups. When using this approach, multirate methods are often ...
    • Online Kinematic and Dynamic-State Estimation for Constrained Multibody Systems Based on IMUs 

      Torres-Moreno, José Luis; Blanco-Claraco, José Luis; Giménez-Fernández, Antonio; Sanjurjo, Emilio; Naya, Miguel A. (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2016)
      [Abstract] This article addresses the problems of online estimations of kinematic and dynamic states of a mechanism from a sequence of noisy measurements. In particular, we focus on a planar four-bar linkage equipped with ...
    • Performance indicators for wheeled robots traversing obstacles 

      Nowac, William; González Varela, Francisco Javier; MacMahon, Sadhbh; Kövecses, József (2020-04)
      [Abstract] An important element of wheeled robot operations on uneven and unstructured terrain is the ability to overcome obstacles. In this letter, we deal with a part of this obstacle negotiation problem. We particularly ...
    • Preface 

      González Varela, Francisco Javier; Cardona, Alberto; Masarati, Pierangelo; Pombo, João (Springer, 2022-06-21)
    • Real-time Simulation of Cable Pay-Out and Reel-In with Towed Fishing Gears 

      González Varela, Francisco Javier; Luaces, Alberto; González, Manuel; Prada, Amelia de la (Elsevier, 2017-02)
      [Abstract] Achieving real-time simulation of fast cable pay-out and reel-in manoeuvres with towed fishing gears is a challenging task. This work presents two new simulation methods based on simplified cable models for ...
    • Roll Angle Estimation of a Motorcycle through Inertial Measurements 

      Maceira Muiños, Diego; Luaces, Alberto; Lugrís-Armesto, Urbano; Naya, Miguel A.; Sanjurjo, Emilio (MDPI, 2021-10)
      [Abstract] Currently, the interest in creating autonomous driving vehicles and progressively more sophisticated active safety systems is growing enormously, being a prevailing importance factor for the end user when choosing ...
    • Skeletal-level control-based forward dynamic analysis of acquired healthy and assisted gait motion 

      Mouzo, Francisco; Lugrís-Armesto, Urbano; Pàmies-Vilà, Rosa; Cuadrado, Javier (Springer, 2018-07-09)
      [Abstract] Gait analysis is commonly addressed through inverse dynamics. However, forward dynamics can be advantageous when descending to muscular level, as it allows that activation and contraction equations are integrated ...
    • State estimator based on an indirect Kalman filter for a hydraulically actuated multibody system 

      Jaiswal, Suraj; Sanjurjo, Emilio; Cuadrado, Javier; Sopanen, Jussi; Mikkola, Aki (Springer, 2022-02-22)
      [Abstract] In multibody system dynamics, the equations of motion are often coupled with systems of other physical nature, such as hydraulics. To infer the real dynamical state of such a coupled multibody system at any ...