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dc.contributor.authorCasado, José Luis
dc.contributor.authorMena, Álvaro
dc.contributor.authorBañón, S
dc.contributor.authorCastro-Iglesias, Ángeles
dc.contributor.authorQuereda, C
dc.contributor.authorMoreno, A
dc.contributor.authorPedreira, José D.
dc.contributor.authorMoreno, S
dc.identifier.citationCasado JL, Mena A, Bañón S, et al. Liver toxicity and risk of discontinuation in HIV/hepatitis C virus-coinfected patients receiving an etravirine-containing antiretroviral regimen: influence of liver fibrosis. HIV Med. 2016;17(1):62-67es_ES
dc.descriptionShort communicationes_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] Objectives. The aim of the study was to establish the risk of liver toxicity in HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV)-coinfected patients receiving etravirine, according to the degree of liver fibrosis. Methods. A prospective cohort study of 211 HIV-infected patients initiating an etravirine-containing regimen was carried out. HCV coinfection was defined as a positive HCV RNA test, and baseline liver fibrosis was assessed by transient elastography. Hepatotoxicity was defined as clinical symptoms, or an aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or alanine aminotransferase (ALT) value > 5-fold higher than the upper limit of normal if baseline values were normal, or 3.5-fold higher if values were altered at baseline. Results. Overall, 145 patients (69%) were HCV coinfected, with a lower nadir (165 versus 220 cells/μL, respectively; p = 0.03) and baseline (374 versus 498 cells/μL, respectively; p = 0.04) CD4 count than monoinfected patients. Etravirine was mainly used with two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (129; 61%) or with a boosted protease inhibitor (PI) (28%), with no significant differences according to HCV serostatus. Transient elastography in 117 patients (81%) showed a median (range) stiffness value of 8.25 (3.5–69) kPa, with fibrosis stage 1 in 43 patients (37%) and fibrosis stage 4 in 28 patients (24%). During an accumulated follow-up time of 449.3 patient-years (median 548 days), only one patient with advanced fibrosis (50.8 kPa) had grade 3–4 liver toxicity (0.7%). Transaminases changed slightly, with no significant differences compared with baseline fibrosis, and nine and six patients had grade 1 and 2 transaminase increases, respectively. Also, HCV coinfection was not associated with a higher risk of discontinuation (25% discontinued versus 21% of monoinfected patients; p = 0.39, log-rank test) or virological failure (8% versus 12%, respectively; p = 0.4). Conclusions. Our data suggest that etravirine is a safe option for HIV/HCV-coinfected patients, including those with significant liver fibrosis.es_ES
dc.rightsThis is the peer reviewed version of the article which has been published in final form at Wiley Online Library. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archivinges_ES
dc.subjectLiver fibrosises_ES
dc.subjectNonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitores_ES
dc.subjectTransient elastographyes_ES
dc.titleLiver toxicity and risk of discontinuation in HIV/hepatitis C virus-coinfected patients receiving an etravirine-containing antiretroviral regimen: influence of liver fibrosises_ES
UDC.journalTitleHIV Medicinees_ES
UDC.grupoInvViroloxía Clínica (INIBIC)es_ES
UDC.institutoCentroINIBIC - Instituto de Investigacións Biomédicas de A Coruñaes_ES

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