Now showing items 1-20 of 54

    • Aggregated 2D range queries on clustered points 

      Bernardo, Guillermo de; Konow, Bernardo; Navarro, Gonzalo; Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Seco, Diego (Elsevier Ltd, 2016-09)
      [Abstract] Efficient processing of aggregated range queries on two-dimensional grids is a common requirement in information retrieval and data mining systems, for example in Geographic Information Systems and OLAP cubes. ...
    • Parallel construction of wavelet trees on multicore architectures 

      Fuentes Sepúlveda, José; Elejalde, Erick; Ferres, Leo; Seco, Diego (Springer U K, 2016-10-05)
      [Abstract] The wavelet tree has become a very useful data structure to efficiently represent and query large volumes of data in many different domains, from bioinformatics to geographic information systems. One problem ...
    • Grammar compressed sequences with rank/select support 

      Ordóñez, Alberto; Navarro, Gonzalo; Brisaboa, Nieves R. (Elsevier BV, 2016-10-14)
      [Abstract] Sequence representations supporting not only direct access to their symbols, but also rank/select operations, are a fundamental building block in many compressed data structures. Several recent applications need ...
    • A succinct data structure for self-indexing ternary relations 

      Álvarez García, Sandra; Bernardo, Guillermo de; Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Navarro, Gonzalo (Elsevier BV, 2016-10-27)
      [Abstract] The representation of binary relations has been intensively studied and many different theoretical and practical representations have been proposed to answer the usual queries in multiple domains. However, ternary ...
    • Universal indexes for highly repetitive document collections 

      Claude, Francisco; Fariña, Antonio; Martínez Prieto, Miguel A.; Navarro, Gonzalo (Elsevier Ltd, 2016-11)
      [Abstract] Indexing highly repetitive collections has become a relevant problem with the emergence of large repositories of versioned documents, among other applications. These collections may reach huge sizes, but are ...
    • Scalable processing and autocovariance computation of big functional data 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Cao, Ricardo; Paramá, José R.; Silva-Coira, Fernando (John Wiley & Sons, 2018)
      [Abstract]: This paper presents 2 main contributions. The first is a compact representation of huge sets of functional data or trajectories of continuous-time stochastic processes, which allows keeping the data always ...
    • Experiencias e impacto social en la aplicación de ingeniería de requisitos en el desarrollo de una plataforma inteligente 

      Maquera, Gladys; Mariaca, Jesús; Mendoza, Óscar; Condori Fernández, Nelly (Universidad Peruana Unión (UPeU), 2019)
      [Resumen]: El turismo rural comunitario (TRC) es una actividad que contribuye, desde las zonas rurales, al desarrollo económico-social y sostenible de un país. En este trabajo de investigación se tuvo como objetivo desarrollar ...
    • GraCT: A Grammar-based Compressed Index for Trajectory Data 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Gómez-Brandón, Adrián; Navarro, Gonzalo; Paramá, José R. (Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
      [Abstract]: We introduce a compressed data structure for the storage of free trajectories of moving objects that efficiently supports various spatio-temporal queries. Our structure, dubbed GraCT, stores the absolute positions ...
    • Microservice-oriented platform for internet of big data analytics: A proof of concept 

      Li, Zheng; Seco, Diego; Sánchez Rodríguez, Alexis Eloy (MDPI AG, 2019-03-01)
      [Abstract]: The ubiquitous Internet of Things (IoT) devices nowadays are generating various and numerous data from everywhere at any time. Since it is not always necessary to centralize and analyze IoT data cumulatively ...
    • Optimization in Sanger sequencing 

      Carpente, Luisa; Cerdeira-Pena, Ana; Lorenzo Freire, Silvia; Saavedra Places, Ángeles (Elsevier, 2019-09)
      [Abstract]: The main objective of this paper is to solve the optimization problem that is associated with the classification of DNA samples in PCR plates for Sanger sequencing. To achieve this goal, we design an integer ...
    • Energy Consumption in Compact Integer Vectors: A Study Case 

      Fuentes Sepúlveda, José; Ladra, Susana (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-10-25)
      [Abstract] In the field of algorithms and data structures analysis and design, most of the researchers focus only on the space/time trade-off, and little attention has been paid to energy consumption. Moreover, most of the ...
    • Extending general compact querieable representations to GIS applications 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Cerdeira-Pena, Ana; Bernardo, Guillermo de; Navarro, Gonzalo; Pedreira, Óscar (Elsevier, 2020-01)
      [Abstract]: The raster model is commonly used for the representation of images in many domains, and is especially useful in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to store information about continuous variables of the space ...
    • Efficient Processing of Raster and Vector Data 

      Silva-Coira, Fernando; Paramá, José R.; Ladra, Susana; López, Juan R.; Gutiérrez, Gilberto (Public Library of Science, 2020-01-10)
      [Abstract] In this work, we propose a framework to store and manage spatial data, which includes new efficient algorithms to perform operations accepting as input a raster dataset and a vector dataset. More concretely, we ...
    • Compressed Data Structures for Binary Relations in Practice 

      Quijada Fuentes, Carlos; Penabad, Miguel R.; Ladra, Susana; Gutiérrez Retamal, Gilberto (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020-01-31)
      [Abstract] Binary relations are commonly used in Computer Science for modeling data. In addition to classical representations using matrices or lists, some compressed data structures have recently been proposed to represent ...
    • An Action Research for Improving the Sustainability Assessment Framework Instruments 

      Condori Fernández, Nelly; Lago, Patricia; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Saavedra Places, Ángeles (MDPI AG, 2020-02-24)
      [Abstract] In the last years, software engineering researchers have defined sustainability as a quality requirement of software, but not enough effort has been devoted to develop new methods/techniques to support the ...
    • A Public Domain Dataset for Real-Life Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphone Sensors 

      García-González, Daniel; Rivero, Daniel; Fernández-Blanco, Enrique; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel (MDPI AG, 2020-04-13)
      [Abstract] In recent years, human activity recognition has become a hot topic inside the scientific community. The reason to be under the spotlight is its direct application in multiple domains, like healthcare or fitness. ...
    • An Architecture for Software Engineering Gamification 

      Pedreira, Óscar; García, Félix; Piattini, Mario; Cortiñas, Alejandro; Cerdeira-Pena, Ana (Qinghua Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu,Tsinghua University, Editorial Board, 2020-05-07)
      [Abstract] Gamification has been applied in software engineering to improve quality and results by increasing people's motivation and engagement. A systematic mapping has identified research gaps in the field, one of them ...
    • Automatic group-wise whole-brain short association fiber bundle labeling based on clustering and cortical surface information 

      Vázquez, Andrea; López-López, Narciso; Houenou, Josselin; Poupon, Cyril; Mangin, Jean-François; Ladra, Susana; Guevara, Pamela (BioMed Central Ltd., 2020-06-03)
      [Abstract] Background Diffusion MRI is the preferred non-invasive in vivo modality for the study of brain white matter connections. Tractography datasets contain 3D streamlines that can be analyzed to study the main ...
    • From Coarse to Fine-Grained Parcellation of the Cortical Surface Using a Fiber-Bundle Atlas 

      López-López, Narciso; Vázquez, Andrea; Houenou, Josselin; Poupon, Cyril; Mangin, Jean-François; Ladra, Susana; Guevara, Pamela (Frontiers Research Foundation, 2020-09-10)
      [Abstract] In this article, we present a hybrid method to create fine-grained parcellations of the cortical surface, from a coarse-grained parcellation according to an anatomical atlas, based on cortico-cortical connectivity. ...
    • Accessible Routes Integrating Data from Multiple Sources 

      Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Arias Fisteus, Jesús; Sánchez-Fernández, Luis; Muñoz-Organero, Mario; Balado, Jesús; Díaz-Vilariño, Lucía; Lorenzo, Henrique (MDPI AG, 2020-12-26)
      [Abstract] Providing citizens with the ability to move around in an accessible way is a requirement for all cities today. However, modeling city infrastructures so that accessible routes can be computed is a challenge ...