• Aprendizaje basado en ejemplos: desarrollo de aplicaciones empresariales con tecnologías .net 

      Gestal, M.; Fernández-Blanco, Enrique; Rivero, Daniel; Vázquez-Naya, José; Rabuñal, Juan R.; Dorado, Julián; Pazos, A. (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, 2015-06)
      [Resumen] El framework J2EE ha sido el gran dominador, durante mucho tiempo, en el desarrollo de aplicaciones empresariales. Esto hecho originó la aparición de un rico ecosistema de herramientas, manuales, tutoriales, ...
    • Artificial glial cells in artificial neuronal networks: a systematic review 

      Álvarez-González, Sara; Cedrón, Francisco; Pazos, A.; Porto-Pazos, Ana B. (Springer Nature, 2023-11)
      [Abstract]: The concept of tripartite synapses has revolutionized the world of neuroscience and the way we understand how information is transmitted in the brain. Since its discovery, some research groups have incorporated ...
    • Artificial Intelligence Applied to Conceptual Design. A Review of Its Use in Architecture 

      Castro, M. Luz; Carballal, Adrián; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Santos, Iria; Romero, Juan (Elsevier, 2021)
      [Abstract] Conceptual architectural design is a complex process that draws on past experience and creativity to generate new designs. The application of artificial intelligence to this process should not be oriented toward ...
    • Artificial intelligence in paediatrics: Current events and challenges 

      Galdo, Brais; Pazos, Carla; Pardo, Jerónimo; Solar, Alfonso; Llamas, Daniel; Fernández-Blanco, Enrique; Pazos, A. (Elsevier, 2024-03)
      [Abstract]: This article examines the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of paediatric care within the framework of the 7P medicine model (Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, Precise, Participatory, Peripheral ...
    • Artificial Neural Networks Manipulation Server: Research on the Integration of Databases and Artificial Neural Networks 

      Santos-del-Riego, Antonino; Dorado, Julián; Arcay, Bernardino; Rodríguez Díaz, Ana Belén; Pazos, A. (Springer U K, 2002-06)
      This paper proposes a new whole and distributed integration approach between Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Databases (DBs) taking into account the different stages of the former’s lifecycle (training, test and ...
    • Artificial Neuron–Glia Networks Learning Approach Based on Cooperative Coevolution 

      Fernández-Blanco, Enrique; Cedrón, Francisco; Pazos, A.; Porto-Pazos, Ana B.; Mesejo, Pablo; Ibáñez, Oscar (World Scientific, 2015-04-06)
      [Abstract] Artificial Neuron–Glia Networks (ANGNs) are a novel bio-inspired machine learning approach. They extend classical Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) by incorporating recent findings and suppositions about the way ...
    • Assessing mouse alternatives to access to computer: a case study of a user with cerebral palsy 

      Pousada, Thais; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier; Groba, Betania; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Pazos, A. (Taylor & Francis para RESNA, 2014)
      [Abstract] The purpose of this study is to describe the process of assessment of three assistive devices to meet the needs of a woman with cerebral palsy (CP) in order to provide her with computer access and use. The user ...
    • Assisted surface redesign by perturbing its point cloud representation 

      Pazos Pérez, Rafael Iván; Carballal, Adrián; Rabuñal, Juan R.; Mures, Omar A.; García-Vidaurrázaga, María D. (IET, 2018-04-09)
      [Abstract] This research study explores the use of point clouds for design geometrically complex surfaces based on genetic morphogenesis. To this end, a point-based genetic algorithm and the use of massive unstructured ...
    • Authentication of tequilas using pattern recognition and supervised classification 

      Pérez-Caballero, G.; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Olmos, P.; Molina, Y.; Jiménez, I.; Durán, J.J.; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Miguel-Cruz, F. (Elsevier, 2017-07-18)
      [Abstract] Sales of reputed, Mexican tequila grown substantially in last years and, therefore, counterfeiting is increasing steadily. Hence, methodologies intended to characterize and authenticate commercial beverages are ...
    • Authorship ans aesthetics experiments: comparision of results between human and computational systems 

      Castro, M. Luz; Pérez, Rebeca; Santos-del-Riego, Antonino; Carballal, Adrián (Springer, 2014)
      [Abstract] This paper presents the results of two experiments comparing the functioning of a computational system and a group of humans when performing tasks related to art and aesthetics. The first experiment consists of ...
    • Automated Early Detection of Drops in Commercial Egg Production Using Neural Networks 

      Ramírez-Morales, Iván; Fernández-Blanco, Enrique; Rivero, Daniel; Pazos, A. (Taylor & Francis, 2017-10-17)
      [Abstract] 1. The purpose of this work was to support decision-making in poultry farms by performing automatic early detection of anomalies in egg production. 2. Unprocessed data were collected from a commercial egg ...
    • Automatic Assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis Based on Deep Learning Techniques 

      Puente-Castro, Alejandro; Fernández-Blanco, Enrique; Pazos, A.; Munteanu, Cristian-Robert (Elsevier, 2020-05)
      [Abstract] Early detection is crucial to prevent the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Thus, specialists can begin preventive treatment as soon as possible. They demand fast and precise assessment in the diagnosis ...
    • Automatic multiscale vascular image segmentation algorithm for coronary angiography 

      Carballal, Adrián; Nóvoa, Francisco; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; García-Guimaraes, Marcos; Aldama López, Guillermo; Calviño-Santos, Ramón; Vázquez Rodríguez, José Manuel; Pazos, A. (Elsevier, 2018-09)
      [Abstract] Cardiovascular diseases, particularly severe stenosis, are the main cause of death in the western world. The primary method of diagnosis, considered to be the standard in the detection and quantification of ...
    • Automatic Seizure Detection Based on Star Graph Topological Indices 

      Fernández-Blanco, Enrique; Rivero, Daniel; Rabuñal, Juan R.; Dorado, Julián; Pazos, A.; Munteanu, Cristian-Robert (Elsevier, 2012-08-15)
      [Abstract] The recognition of seizures is very important for the diagnosis of patients with epilepsy. The seizure is a process of rhythmic discharge in brain and occurs rarely and unpredictably. This behavior generates a ...
    • Automatic solar cell diagnosis and treatment 

      Rodriguez, Alvaro; Gonzalez-Val, Carlos; Fernández, Andrés; Rodríguez, Francisco; Delgado, Tamara; Bellman, Martín (Springer, 2021-04)
      [Abstract]: Solar cells represent one of the most important sources of clean energy in modern societies. Solar cell manufacturing is a delicate process that often introduces defects that reduce cell efficiency or compromise ...
    • Avoiding the Inherent Limitations in Datasets Used for Measuring Aesthetics When Using a Machine Learning Approach 

      Carballal, Adrián; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Castro, M. Luz; Santos-del-Riego, Antonino (Hindawi Limited, 2019)
      [Abstract]: An important topic in evolutionary art is the development of systems that can mimic the aesthetics decisions made by human begins,e.g., fitness evaluations made by humans using interactive evolution in generative ...
    • BIcenter-AD: Harmonising Alzheimer’s Disease cohorts using a common ETL tool 

      Almeida, João Rafael; Pazos, A.; Oliveira, José Luís (Elsevier, 2022)
      [Abstract]: Background: Many scientific studies have sought to obtain a better understanding of specific medical conditions. Concerning Alzheimer’s Disease, there is a lack of reliable diagnostics and this can be related ...
    • Bio-AIMS collection of chemoinformatics web tools based on molecular graph information and artificial intelligence models 

      Munteanu, Cristian-Robert; González-Díaz, Humberto; García, Rafael; Loza, Mabel; Pazos, A. (Bentham, 2015-09-01)
      [Abstract] The molecular information encoding into molecular descriptors is the first step into in silico Chemoinformatics methods in Drug Design. The Machine Learning methods are a complex solution to find prediction ...
    • Biomedical data integration in computational drug design and bioinformatics 

      Seoane, José A.; Aguiar-Pulido, Vanessa; Munteanu, Cristian-Robert; Rivero, Daniel; Rabuñal, Juan R.; Dorado, Julián; Pazos, A. (Bentham Science, 2013)
      [Abstract In recent years, in the post genomic era, more and more data is being generated by biological high throughput technologies, such as proteomics and transcriptomics. This omics data can be very useful, but the real ...
    • BiOSS: A system for biomedical ontology selection 

      Martínez-Romero, Marcos; Vázquez-Naya, José; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier; Pazos, A. (Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2014-04)
      In biomedical informatics, ontologies are considered a key technology for annotating, retrieving and sharing the huge volume of publicly available data. Due to the increasing amount, complexity and variety of existing ...