Mostrando ítems 21-25 de 75

    • Renewables, Taxes and Competitive Markets: the Role of Energy Policies on the EU’s Sustainable Energy Consumption 

      García-Álvarez, María Teresa; Pineiro-Villaverde, Gustavo; Soares, Isabel (Springer, 2023)
      [Abstract] In recent years, the European Union has made sustainable consumption and production a political priority, to address economic and social development within the capacity of the ecosystem. To this end, it has put ...
    • Commodity exposure in the eurozone: How EU energy security is conditioned by the Euro 

      Lado-Sestayo, Rubén; Llano Paz, Fernando de; Vivel Búa, María Milagros; Martínez-Salgueiro, Andrea (Elsevier, 2023)
      [Abstract]: The European Union is immersed in a process of energy transition focused on reducing the weight of fossil fuels. The current context is also characterized by the increasing attention paid to energy security, ...
    • STEMbach Experiences at Higher Education 

      Castro-Santos, Laura; Puime Guillén, Félix; Lamas, M.I.; García-Diez, Ana; Enríquez-Díaz, Joaquín; Boedo, Lucía; Lagoa-Varela, Dolores; Álvarez García, Begoña; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena (De Gruyter Open Ltd, 2023-01)
      [Abstract]: The aim of this work is to describe several experiences of STEMbach in different areas: engineering, economics, materials, etc. The STEMbach is a program carried out by high school students during their two ...
    • New approach for assessing and optimising the environmental performance of multinational electricity sectors: a European case study 

      Cartelle Barros, Juan José; Llano Paz, Fernando de; Lara Coira, Manuel; Cruz, M. Pilar de la; Caño, Alfredo del; Soares, Isabel (Elsevier Ltd, 2022-07-31)
      [Abstract] The afim of energy pflannfing fis to achfieve a reflfiabfle suppfly of energy resources at competfitfive costs and wfith the fleast negatfive fimpacts on socfiety and the envfironment. However, most of the ...
    • Sustainable university entrepreneurship: Revisiting firm growth patterns 

      Fernández-López, Sara; Rodeiro-Pazos, D.; Rodríguez-Gulías, María Jesús; Nogueira-Moreiras, Manuel Anxo (John Wiley, 2022)
      [Abstract]: Previous research on the firm growth of the university spin-offs (USOs) and its drivers yields inconclusive results. Recently, the literature on the high-growth firms (HGFs) has relied on regression quantile ...