• Carbon mitigation in domains of high consumer lock-in 

      Ivanova, Diana; Vita, Gibran; Wood, Richard; Lausselet, Carine; Dumitru, Adina; Krause, Karen; Macsinga, Irina; Hertwich, Edgar (Elsevier, 2018-07-14)
      [Abstract] As climate policy needs to address all feasible ways to reduce carbon emissions, there is an increasing focus on demand-side solutions. Studies of household carbon footprints have allocated emissions during ...
    • Elucidating the changing roles of civil society in urban sustainability transitions 

      Frantzeskaki, Niki; Dumitru, Adina; Anguelovski, Isabelle; Avelino, Flor; Bach, Matthew; Best, Benjamin; Binder, Constanze; Barnes, Jake; Carrus, Giuseppe; Egermann, Markus; Axeltine, Alex; Moore, Michele-Lee; García-Mira, Ricardo; Loorbach, Derk; Uzzell, David; Omann, Ines; Olsson, Per; Silvestri, Giorgia; Stedman, Richard; Wittmayer, Julia; Rauschmayer, Felix (Elsevier, 2017-05-18)
      [Abstract] Understanding the diversifying role of civil society in Europe’s sustainability pathway is a valid proposition both scientifically and socially. Civil society organisations already play a significant role in the ...
    • Environmental considerations in the organizational context : a pathway to pro-environmental behaviour at work 

      Ruepert, Angela; Keizer, Kees; Steg, Linda; Maricchiolo, Fridanna; Carrus, Giuseppe; Dumitru, Adina; García-Mira, Ricardo; Stancu, Alexandra; Moza Daniela (Elsevier, 2016-04-26)
      [Abstract] Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour at work can result in a significant reduction in environmental problems. Research revealed that general environmental considerations such as biospheric values and environmental ...
    • Experimenting with alternative economies : four emergent counter-narratives of urban economic development 

      Longhurst, Noel; Avelino, Flor; Wittmayer, Julia; Weaver, Paul; Dumitru, Adina; Hielscher, Sabine; Cipolla, Carla; Afonso, Rita; Kunze, Iris; Elle, Morten (Elsevier, 2017-05-24)
      [Abstract] Neoliberalism is a powerful narrative that has shaped processes of urban economic development across the globe. This paper reports on four nascent ‘new economic’ narratives which represent fundamentally different ...
    • Low carbon energy behaviors in the workplace : a qualitative study in Italy and Spain 

      Dumitru, Adina; De Gregorio, Eugenio; Bonnes, Mirilia; Bonaiuto, Marino; Carrus, Guiseppe; García-Mira, Ricardo; Maricchiolo, Fridanna (Elsevier, 2016-01-04)
      [Abstract] Large organizations are responsible for a significant amount of GHG emissions. This trend will even increase over the next 100 years. An issue for environmental research is the investigation of the factors ...
    • Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Climate Change Adaptation: Linking Science, Policy, and Practice Communities for Evidence-Based Decision-Making 

      Frantzeskak, Niki; McPhearson, Timon; Collier, Marcus J; Kendal, Dave; Bulkeley, Harriet; Dumitru, Adina; Walsh, Claire; Noble, Kate; van Wyk, Ernita; Ordóñez, Camilo (2019)
      [Abstract] Nature-based solutions offer an exciting prospect for resilience building and advancing urban planning to address complex urban challenges simultaneously. In this article, we formulated through a coproduction ...
    • Testing Scenarios to Achieve Workplace Sustainability Goals : Using Backcasting and Agent-Based Modeling 

      García-Mira, Ricardo; Dumitru, Adina; Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo; Sánchez-Maroño, Noelia; Fontenla-Romero, Óscar; Craig, Tony; Polhill, J. Gary (The Environmental Design Research Association, 2016-10-26)
      [Abstract] Pro-environmental behaviors have been analyzed in the home, with little attention to other important contexts of everyday life, such as the workplace. The research reported here explored three categories of ...
    • Transformative social innovation and (dis)empowerment 

      Avelino, Flor; Wittmayer, Julia M.; Weaver, Paul; Dumitru, Adina; Haxeltine, Alex; Kemp, René; Jørgensen, Michael S.; Bauler, Tom; Pel, Bonno (2019)
      [Abstract] This article responds to increasing public and academic discourses on social innovation, which often rest on the assumption that social innovation can drive societal change and empower actors to deal with societal ...